calling any one from missouri

I had to really look that first one over to see if we happened to have the same exact variety…

Very, very close, but barely different.

Irises are a genetic kaleidoscope…

You’ve got a lot of variety… I like them all!
Oh man, I love the variety that Iris' have! I bought a bunch of them tulips, daffodils and lilies since they are all low maintenance and grow back. I get spring fever pretty bad every year.
How are the lakenvelder chicks these days? Any pics?
Oh man, I love the variety that Iris' have! I bought a bunch of them tulips, daffodils and lilies since they are all low maintenance and grow back. I get spring fever pretty bad every year
How are the lakenvelder chicks these days? Any pics?
All the chicks have been doing great since being put out in the coop. They are actually happy to see me. I like to bring occasional treats like freshly pulled weeds. Some(all the chicks included here) will let me pet them, and others try to jump up on my shoulders.
I'll get a picture of the Lakenvelder specifically for you this evening. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do the 5 week individual pictures of the chicks this week, but I can get some close ups as a group.
Here are a couple group pics. It’s hard to get photos cuz the True Blues mob me and I don’t want them out of the coop yet.

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