calling any one from missouri

Can one unfire bators? Hatch-a-holics want to know!
I guess mine will soon be off. Right now it's on in case the broody gets up and there's still eggs to hatch.

No more rooster means no more fertile eggs. No fertile eggs, no need for bator to be on.

Hello all! I am in the process of transferring to KC, MO with my job. I don't want to live "in" town. I would rather be on the outskirts with some property. I have nine chickens and two dogs coming with me. Can anyone tell me where I should look or not look to settle? I don't know the area so I don't want to end up in the wrong place.
Thank you for any info.
Hello all! I am in the process of transferring to KC, MO with my job. I don't want to live "in" town. I would rather be on the outskirts with some property. I have nine chickens and two dogs coming with me. Can anyone tell me where I should look or not look to settle? I don't know the area so I don't want to end up in the wrong place.
Thank you for any info.
which geographical direction from downtown will you be working? Kearney, Smithville, Platte City still have acre+ lots available and are on major arteries that feed downtown. My land is zoned rural/farm so no problem with roosters (35 minutes from downtown). Our daughter's next door neighbor has had a political battle trying to keep his flock. a lot of for sale signs all around the northland. don't know a lot about other directions from downtown.
Thank you. I work for HCA hospitals, so it depends on who has an opening for me. Any places I should try to stay away from? My 16 yr old will be moving with me.
Thank you,
Thank you. I work for HCA hospitals, so it depends on who has an opening for me. Any places I should try to stay away from? My 16 yr old will be moving with me.
Thank you,
I think that if you are trying to get a place where you can have chickens, then....the area will be one that is OK for a teenager. Here is where we go to church
My grandson is 17 and likes it there. You can contact them on the web site for information and answers to hard questions. I think the places to stay away from are easy to spot as you look for a place to live. Vineyard Church has four services, my wife and I can meet you there and introduce you to the teenager minister, the church has grown enough to provide for lots of staff. I had a little difficulty accepting the music, a little loud for a grandpa and they really "rock" at times but it provides a great place for people so I stuck it out until it grew on me and now it is OK. My son-in-law is in KU Medical center now with complications from a liver transplant he got last week. Are you looking forward to the move? I like it here better than "Vegas" but I only saw the strip. Cold here in January. Are you bringing your chickens?

I went back and read you original post and found out you are bring chickens
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Thank you. I work for HCA hospitals, so it depends on who has an opening for me. Any places I should try to stay away from? My 16 yr old will be moving with me.
Thank you,
Hi there and welcome to KC in advance!
When are you planning to move up here?

I live about 45 minutes south of downtown and it's totally rural. I'm on just over 7 acres and have horses, goats, llamas, chickens, ducks, dogs, cats and kids... and no issues with ordinances or neighbors! My parents were modern day gypsies before I was born and lived in every eastern state from Maine all the way down to Florida (where I was born). They moved us here when I was two years old and stayed. Been here for the last 40 years. Mom says they stayed because they liked the people here so much (dad passed about 20 years ago). I actually live a half a mile down the road from the house I grew up in. My mom has been there the whole time and my sister lives next door to her. My brother made a big move... about 15-20 minutes away. LOL! :)

The company I work for has done work for HCA... I believe. Overland Park Regional is one, isn't it? (geez.. I think that's the name)

At any rate, I don't think there are many places to avoid if you go rural, just outside town. At least none that I've ever heard anyone talking about. What I'd look for is someplace close to a major highway that goes into town. There aren't a lot of good cross roads that go east-west (at least down here on the south side) so having quick access to a major highway will help reduce your drive time to work.

But more importantly... what kind of chickens do you have?! LOL!

Anyone have any guesses as to what breed this two month old bird may be? It came with an order of "meat and egg" birds and in the same shipment I had a few other specific breeds including Americaunas. Two of the youngsters look just the way an Ameraucana should... but I wondered if this was also one, just missing the facial fluff? If it's not, I have no idea what it IS.

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