calling any one from missouri

Yep, they told me the same. My information was given to the branch manager along with the proof of guaranteed delivery. We'll see if what comes of it. Glad your babies made it! Also excited that you have legbars, I have 5 crested eggs in the incubator doing great!
Yup, yup, yup I gots legbars! After this weekend will have all 3 lines growing out plus set a small clutch from another source to hatch. Some white genes floating around and even the possibility of a white popping out of the hatch. That ought to give me a solid base to work from.

on your hatch. Have had kind of a rough go getting the hang of it.
So I got my geese this spring. Africans from a neighbor, a pair of them. Will she probably go broody this coming season, does anyone know? I am going to keep the geese and probably raise the babies for meat and am hoping for a decent return from these great pets. I really thought I hated geese until I got these. They are just awesome and love to help weed the garden.
Ooooh almost forgot,welcome all Missouri new members. Its great to see this thread still going strong after the breif silence. I am in Lebanon here and very happy with my golden phoenix hens and rooster. Got some mixes and geese as I just said and some ducks, two pairs. One khaki Campell pair(couldn't resist the amount of eggs) and a mixed pair, a Rouen and Peking hen.
How about that crazy wind last night!!! Nothing damaged here, but heard a lot of trees got blown down in Spfld and power out in places. I was going to bed right as it decided to start blowing, and man did it blow hard!! All my chickies seem to be just fine though, so good news there!

Speaking of my chicks, they are getting so big!! Amazing how fast they grow. My three Barred Plymouth Rock chicks are by far the most friendly, one of them will come up and let me pet her, as long as I don't move too fast. They all have decided that my toenails are interesting and peck at them. Must be the purple polish on them lol!! As I go through the garden each morning, I collect the june bugs and cabbage worms I find and give the chickies a treat. They love it! When the inevitable hornworms show up (ugh!) they are gonna have a field day!!!! We have lawn chairs set up and go out in the evening after it cools down some to watch them. Chicken races is what we call it, when one of them gets a bug or whatnot and takes off running with it. So funny! Cheap entertainment LOL!!

Supposed to have cooler weather over the next several days! I know I am looking forward to it, I imagine those boys and girls covered in feathers and a little baby down still are really looking forward to it! Have a great day and weekend everyone!
Ahh that's what is referred to as watching "CHICKEN TV"!
They are some squirrely bird-brained critters aren't they?

Chickenlittle lost power for 6 1/2 hours - and of course she's incubating.

Didn't get it out here around FLW til quarter after 2. Woke me up from a SOUND sleep. REalized I'd left all the car windows down.......extra shower was........perkifying. Scaredy-cat pyrenese hate loud noised and BOLTED through the door when I opened it to go out and take care of the car. Refused to go back out. I would have had to pick up monster wet dirty dog bodily and tossed her out so she parked, reaking, until well after daylight. I tried earlier after the storm and she just gave me the "you have got to be joking, don't be rediculous dummy" look over the top of her nose. Got over 2 inches. Didn't see any trees down and a couple I was pretty worried about.
Ahh that's what is referred to as watching "CHICKEN TV"!
They are some squirrely bird-brained critters aren't they?

Chickenlittle lost power for 6 1/2 hours - and of course she's incubating.

Didn't get it out here around FLW til quarter after 2. Woke me up from a SOUND sleep. REalized I'd left all the car windows down.......extra shower was........perkifying. Scaredy-cat pyrenese hate loud noised and BOLTED through the door when I opened it to go out and take care of the car. Refused to go back out. I would have had to pick up monster wet dirty dog bodily and tossed her out so she parked, reaking, until well after daylight. I tried earlier after the storm and she just gave me the "you have got to be joking, don't be rediculous dummy" look over the top of her nose. Got over 2 inches. Didn't see any trees down and a couple I was pretty worried about.
oh heavens, so many lost power!! FYI if ever ya'll need a place to stay and Ozark isn't out of power, you are WELCOME to come and stay cooled off, wet dogs and all.

The cooler temps are great: my girls were perky and busy most all day today unlike lately, and we're back to 9 eggs. I wondered if the change in feed might be causing egg production to drop, but it was just the heat I think.
Does anyone know of a good honest "handyman" kinda person in SW MO that can help me convert a garden shed to a coop for little money? I got a 10x16 that I was wanting to keep half of for garden tools, but could wall off and use the other half with another door as a coop, and build runs out into the garden rows I'm not using. I'm disabled, and know just enough about hammer and nails to make a mess of it! thanks all!
Storm? What storm? I was passed OUT!

Had our first escapee with the guineas last night, realized someone was missing from the box this morning and yep one had jumped out. Put it back in and placed some scrap panel from the chicken's new home to keep them from jumping out again. And our temporary coop for the chickens is thankfully done, but later on we'll have to start on a winter coop for them.

And no, the coop isn't slanted, it's just on a hill! Shadiest spot we could find close enough to the house to keep an eye on them.

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