calling any one from missouri

You have to keep this pic in mind for the contest.They did have one and might again to show pics of your chickens flapping their wings.

That cute of a pic i think Purina is having a contest too "cute pet pics" for a calendar i think ..first Prize free feed for a year? of some kind(they do sell chicken feed)
The lady who told me about it is putting a puppy in but this beats that (even though i sold her that little puppy hes cute and so is the pic but . this CUTER.....??LOL).
Hi Everyone! I live in Salisbury, Missouri. I am new to chickens but have always wanted some and I am amazed and how much I enjoy them. I have got my daughter hooked on them too. It was inevitable, they are such charming creatures. I have already been a victim of chicken math and looking for more! I started out with 4 went up to 16, found homes for two roos so now of course we need to replace those, right?

We have been trying to hatch eggs we have bought off eBay because my daughter would really like some BLR and GL Wyandottes. Unfortunately we are having miserable luck though. We are on our 3rd round of incubation and still not one has hatched. Out of 4 dozen eggs only a few started to develop and then quit. The insides of most of them were just scrambled.

If you all know anyone that has BLR or GL Wyandotte chicks or hatching eggs that we could pick up and avoid USPS please let me know. I don't mind driving a few hours.
Try Facebook Chicken Swap of Missouri Someone might have some there. Ywah shipping is the pits..
You have to keep this pic in mind for the contest.They did have one and might again to show pics of your chickens flapping their wings.

That cute of a pic i think Purina is having a contest too "cute pet pics" for a calendar i think ..first Prize free feed for a year? of some kind(they do sell chicken feed)
The lady who told me about it is putting a puppy in but this beats that (even though i sold her that little puppy hes cute and so is the pic but . this CUTER.....??LOL).

LOL I looked for the contest, didnt see anything! This picture was pure luck! And I agree, so stinkin cute!!!
HI fromn SE Mo!!Bonne Terre..
My kids are in Columbia.Are you near there? What kind of chickens do you have?
I started with eleven 11/2 years ago and now have ...guesstimate...30.Just dont get in to hatching eggs.All i can say.LOL
Mostly Brahmas and Orps.of different kinds and colors Then the Lav Amercaunas and Silkies of course.!

Welcome Cowgirl212!
I'm from Cass County... just south of KC. What kind of chickens do you have?

welcome to BYC and the MO thread. I am half way between KC and St. Jo
What kind of chickens do you have?

Thanks for the welcoming! I grew up with a small flock of chickens my mother kept for eggs & meat. Now I've started my own little flock of egg layers for right now. I have 2 buff & 1 black orpington hens, 1 black orpington/cross? rooster, and 2 wyandotte banties. I am a big orpington fan, and I am hoping to get some blue and lavender orpingtons sometime. Of course I'd love to try my hand at hatching eggs sometime too! Might need some silkies too.....


I am from Atchison county not to far from both Iowa & Nebraska lines.
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Thanks for the welcoming! I grew up with a small flock of chickens my mother kept for eggs & meat. Now I've started my own little flock of egg layers for right now. I have 2 buff & 1 black orpington hens, 1 black orpington/cross? rooster, and 2 wyandotte banties. I am a big orpington fan, and I am hoping to get some blue and lavender orpingtons sometime. Of course I'd love to try my hand at hatching eggs sometime too! Might need some silkies too.....
I am from Atchison county not to far from both Iowa & Nebraska lines.
I used to have some blue orps and I LOVED them. If I could find any near by and/or affordable I'd really like to get some more. The only Orpingtons I have now are 4 little buff pullets.
Thanks for the welcoming! I grew up with a small flock of chickens my mother kept for eggs & meat. Now I've started my own little flock of egg layers for right now. I have 2 buff & 1 black orpington hens, 1 black orpington/cross? rooster, and 2 wyandotte banties. I am a big orpington fan, and I am hoping to get some blue and lavender orpingtons sometime. Of course I'd love to try my hand at hatching eggs sometime too! Might need some silkies too.....


I am from Atchison county not to far from both Iowa & Nebraska lines.
You arent near me Im in Bonne Terre Mo SE Mo but I do sell Lavender Orpington eggs and chicks both but don't ship chicks
3 of my LO hens are HinkJC/Greenfire lines
.Also have a part english Orpington hen a splash and a mostly english black roo from BBS stock. Hes a big un...LOL Hope to get a blue someplace from their eggs.


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