calling any one from missouri

Ok, so after all the battle with the city, I can have 7 hens, but cannot replace after they pass, can't add too, just sucks.  What also sucks is that I have 9 pullets here, so because of the city and their limits on coop size (had to take down my first and go through a major process just to get approved this far for a new one :mad: ), we need to let go of 2 pullets.  We are thinking 2 of the GL Brahmas, but it's sad trying to choose, these only came up because they are the newest birds to us.  These are also the ones my family is least attached too, lol.  We hate to see them go, as we have come to love their antics and demenor.  Did have someone that I was more than happy to let have them, but they are having hawk problems (as are we) and are having a hard time figuring out expanding their coop/run.  If anyone is interested, let me know.  They were hatched by Jacquie on July 10.  I say pullet so far since none have comb or wattles with enlargement or redness yet, and no pointed feathers on the hackles and saddles.  Also no crowing, lol.

I might be able to take them off your hands. Please give me the specifics on them.
OMG!!! Sorry about that all boys but one? GUH..... I have a new roo now well almost of age .Sterling died..
This is one i hatched and kept
I can give you a few more chicks free when i get some next spring or eggs .....either or.whatever you want .
I hate to see someone have so many little cockrels from me! .
Just remind me about March or April. He isnt in the run with them yet so i want him older Hes hangs with his buddy the young LIght Brahma right now Will put him in in spring and Georgie 2 the LB in with those girls.right now they are free ranging
I know its the wrong time of year but any one want some mixed chicks soon? $1.00 each
they are English Orp roo or possible Lavender Am roo by Light Brahma or Buff Orp or Buff Brahma hens
I had a knee replacement and wasn't home for 4 weeks came back to 2 hens went broody on their eggs... 9 chicks!! Figures now not summer... They are all about 3 or 4 weeks now mostly black so far
They are under mommas at night in tractor coops so warm . and outside with mommas days on these nicer days
I have some really nice huge gorgeous grown chickens I kept ... roos i got from some of these same crosses earlier in the year black with bright rust and green sheen and 2 pullets younger than this which are all black from same crosses with green sheen.... no rust ( HENS TTthey arent for sale) Will put up pics when i can the picture thing wont download my pics to add them right now
they actually could be the father of some of these chickc for sale too Hard to tell if they were old enough but the English Orp Roo is their DAd.

Also have 4 LACED Silver Gold split Brahma roosters.. $2 each and 2 gold red and black more like Buff Orp roos $2.
Bonne Terre Mo Hour SE of STL.
Might bring them to Potosi or Festus or Farmington if interested.
My other Aussie mostly ignores them, he's not even in the pic, lol. Thankfully they have both been around livestock (mostly ducks) as part of their herding trial training. Both are retired now from that and agility. Tanner is my almost 14 year old cancer survivor......and my first dog. My other boy is Freeman, he's 8 years.

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