calling any one from missouri

I don't have chickens yet. We are building the coop this weekend if the rain stays away! I have 5 shih tzus, a chihuahua and a Lab/Golden mix. All but the Lab are inside. I also have 8 cats, 3 were just born to a feral female that we have had around here since we bought our house. I can't catch her to fix her. I am able to get the babies and socialize them and when old enough, we fix them. My dream would be to have some kind of rescue. I'd love to have horses and small farm animals but that's only a thought right now. What do you have?
Welcome newbies. I'm in Wright county.
Did you know??
I did not know this but found out because of my beautiful black lf Cochin rooster. He is the picture I have on here.
Anyway, he died three days ago. I found him lumped over in the yard with a purple comb and waddles. When I picked
him up I knew right away his neck had been broke. There weren't any animals near by and the dog did not bark a warning.
This really puzzled us, what on earth could have happened??? 
Well we had dinner with the man that I purchased the rooster from last night. His wife Gail said it was most likely a Hawk.
I had no idea a hawk would break a birds neck and leave. She said it's happened many times over the years with their chickens.
(they have about 600 chickens) Anyway Gail went on to say because of his size the hawk was unable to lift him so it left him with
a broken neck. BJ was about a year and a half, he was a very large size bird and for those that know about the cochin breed he was
also heavily feathered. 
I don't recall reading about something like this before so I wanted to let others know so if it were to happen to one of your chickens it 
would give some sort of clue as to what might have happened. 

Also, I had told her that I was in the back of the house when I heard all the chickens in a commotion. We only have 4 hens and a few baby chicks we let free range and they are never that loud unless something has happened. They had all went into the chicken run and hid.
I quickly took our pinned splash rooster out of his pin and placed him in with the hens. It wasn't but a few minutes before they all calmed down. I know there are a lot of people that will only keep one rooster but I am an avid believer in 2.  You just never know.....

He most likely was protecting your flick too. I agree on the multiple roosters
Was just another outbreak in ST. Louis county. 2 backyard flocks along the IA side of the border too. They are hoping 70 degree weather will put a hold on it - at least until the next migration in the fall. I put netting over all my runs, have covering or wire over all the kennel pens. At most risk if you're in an area with migratory ducks stopping over - fields, ponds - and/or have mixed flocks.
Was just another outbreak in ST. Louis county. 2 backyard flocks along the IA side of the border too. They are hoping 70 degree weather will put a hold on it - at least until the next migration in the fall. I put netting over all my runs, have covering or wire over all the kennel pens. At most risk if you're in an area with migratory ducks stopping over - fields, ponds - and/or have mixed flocks.
Turkey's seem to be the most risk at this time in Mizzou

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