calling any one from missouri

lol I doubt anything you'd wire in an incubator would be more complicated than that. It usually is just the heating element, computer fan and a thermostat. I made my own but it's just a small styrofoam one :) But so far getting great hatch.
These are not the first 6 eggs. One has been laying for 2 weeks now. she started out up on the roosting table but I took the wood chips away from her now she is laying in the nesting box. I caught her laying an egg one evening. She made a heck of a racket!
6 eggs in 7 days. 5 from a Wyndotte, I think, And 1 from a leghorn.

We got the Wyndotte on Feb. 1st. and the leghorns on Feb. 27th. We were not expecting any eggs from them at 16 weeks of age.
Hey! Newish to the forums, just now making an effort to post more. I am from Missouri, roundabouts an hour north of Springfield, but born and raised in Texas.
Welcome! Do you have ducks? chickens? geese? others?

Thanks! I do have one duck, at the request of my little four year old niece who could not resist him from a chick day sale.
Other than that I currently have 4 bourbon red turkeys, 4 gold laced wyandottes, fifteen buff orpingtons, and four silver laced wyandottes we inherited from a friend.
Welcome @adylina! I'm about an hour west of Springfield. I would love to get some silver laced wyandottes but I never see them at Orscheln and don't want to get so many from a hatchery.
Welcome @adylina ! I'm about an hour west of Springfield. I would love to get some silver laced wyandottes but I never see them at Orscheln and don't want to get so many from a hatchery.

Jefferson City's Orscheln had Silver Laced Wyndottes this spring. I bought one but it died. I was so hoping to see the pretty feathers.


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