calling any one from missouri

Yeah, it's pretty well taken over my entire garden, even where we mulched heavily. Once the rain came and never went away long enough to get it weeded completely, well, we have a great crop of smartweed so I didn't have to go far to gather some for herbal usage. Somewhere in the middle of all that smartweed are my pumpkins and squash.

Vinigar is a great weed killer. If you aren't particulary interested in replanting the area you treat, you can add a touch of salt to the vinigar, bring it to a boil and pour it where whatever it is that you want to irradicate has dared to grow. It won't come back. Just be careful not to get it near plants you want to preserve.
Welcome to all the new people in MO. love the name l8ybud =).

Sorry to hear about all the stings and discomfort microchick, I do hope you get better soon. I'm sure a lot of people have had increased problems with insects of all kinds due to the wet summer. I would do anything to get rid of the ants but they just keep coming into my house =(.

Long time Missouri girl, we live an hour from IL. and sadly I agree, at least I've noticed that when I have to shop in IL that everyone seems to be in a bad mood. I prefer to go to Columbia to do my shopping but sometimes I don't have the extra time to make a full day of shopping.

I love Ameraucanas. I have 1 black rooster, 1 blue rooster, and 3 blue hens. I was so glad to get the chicks I did because they have been rather difficult to find in my area. In fact I ordered eggs for mine and out of 2 dozen eggs I have the 5 birds. I think the difficult part is that I wanted blue/black/splash while a lot of Ameraucana breeders are breeding lavender. I believe Eden Camp has white Ameraucana but is also doing the lavender project. She is in Missouri near Osage Beach area I want to say. You could always ask and see what she might have available =). Good luck with buying all your chickens I hope you get everything you want.
Yeah, it's pretty well taken over my entire garden, even where we mulched heavily. Once the rain came and never went away long enough to get it weeded completely, well, we have a great crop of smartweed so I didn't have to go far to gather some for herbal usage. Somewhere in the middle of all that smartweed are my pumpkins and squash.

Vinigar is a great weed killer. If you aren't particulary interested in replanting the area you treat, you can add a touch of salt to the vinigar, bring it to a boil and pour it where whatever it is that you want to irradicate has dared to grow. It won't come back. Just be careful not to get it near plants you want to preserve.

I just read this a little earlier today. Just now, I opened up today's Lancaster Farming and lo and behold, on page B6, I happened to see this ANSWER:

1 Gallon Vinegar
2 C. Epsom Salt
1/4 C. Dawn Dish Detergent (the blue original)
Just mix the ingredients and spray in the morning after the dew has evaporated. Go back again after dinner and the weeds will be gone. It works better if it a hot and sunny day.

I almost spit my water out of my mouth! That was the level of my surprise at seeing this weed cure twice within hours of each other. I'd never heard of it before. Must be I was meant to remember it. :p
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I sprinkled cheap salt in my sidewalk area to kill the grass that had to go before we put the sand and bricks down. Hubby usually uses store bought Weed-Be-Gone and my sprinkled salt did a quicker job than that other stuff.

The Plantain weed stuff...I remember the other name for it "White Man's Foot". It tends to grow in pathways, thus the name. I couldn't remember what all it could do. May have seen the Arkansas pink week but not sure. I know I have two different kinds of rag weed and that's something I'm allergic to. It's taller than me in the back acre so I think this will be a bad fall for me. All that rain will continue to affect me with hayfever until winter. And the bugs all gone is normally the only thing I really look forward to in winter. I don't do well with cold.

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Anyone interested in English Orp chicks
5 Choc CC Roo direct from FC
4 Crele - Ewe Crazy & Suzanne Suman
5 Jubilee started chicks - Daniel V.

Hey Potager - thanks for the mention. I do have lav and black Ams. Don't have white yet - but they will be dominant whites rather than recessive. Should have Red Pyles, cuckoo and lav cuckoo breeding in a few months. And I do Silkied feather Ams in BBS/Choc/mauve & soon in several of the other straight colors. The silkied splits look like regular Ams. I'm sort of in the JC area, but unless I'm meeting enough people to deliver birds or meeting up with friends I just don't do the swap meets - too many nasties floating in the air.

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Ok, I need help bought a drip waterer two days ago. The girls just look at it like a UFO. Any way to help them along to use it.

If you get the hen's attention then tap on the waterer end, they will see it dripping and get the idea. Once one of them gets it, they should all follow that chicken's lead. In my experience you have to take the old waterer container out though, as they will always use it first before going to the new one.
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Hi I8ybud and welcome from Macon county in northeast MO.

It's been a rough week here for me. On Monday, while working outside, I was stung on the little finger of my right hand by a wasp. I think it was a burrowing wasp as it had yellow legs and a black body. I was picking berries and didn't see it at all, but I sure felt it. The pain was horrible. I immediately went inside and gulped down two benedryl, flushed the wound with cold water and put an ice pack on my hand. Next morning my hand was swollen double, my little finger looked like a Jimmy Dean sausage and the itching was terrible. Not even Benedryl would relieve it. I was stung earlier in the season and it was fairly uneventful. My ankle swelled, it itched and that was the end of it. This time it was a lot different. By the second evening, my hand was fire engine red and hot to the touch. It wouldn't stop itching no matter what hydrocortison salve I smeared on or the benedryl I was downing every three hours, and I started to run a low grade fever. Great, cellulitis. Just what I need so I broke into my medicine cabinet (I'm a retired nurse so there is always a rabbit to be pulled out of the magic hat called the medicine cabinet) and started on Augmentin. Out of desperation I tried a homeopathic/herbal treatment for the intense itching and harvested some plantain and jewel weed from the pasture. steeped it in hot water, let it cool and plunged my hand into the 'tea'. Bingo! instant relief from the itching. Within 24 hours the redness was backing off, my temp went back to normal yesterday and today the swelling in my hand is minimal but the little finger is still swollen and blistered from the sting. My head is clearer so I caught it in time.

It was bad enough that it almost drove me to the ER, but I did not want to take the steroids that I was sure they would shoot into me, and yes, as you can tell, I do not like to go to the doctor unless I have my head under one arm and a foot on a banana peel.

Still I am now apprehensive about what will happen if I get stung again. I may be building up an allergy to them that would force me to carry an Epipen, but because I have an arrhythmia I don't think I would tollerate epinepherin. My dear husband was able to eliminate the nest once we found it and bless him, he took care of the chickens for me, but this whole week has been a loss. I woke up this morning and realized it is Friday but I don't remember Tuesday or Wednesday at all other than making the herbal tea to soak my hand in. Way too scarey.

So has anyone else been stung by a wasp and had this kind of reation to it? And just a word of warning to everyone to watch out for these wasps and be aware of where you step. I hate to think what it would feel like if anyone received multiple stings by any of them.
I was stung on the side of my left hand the end of June, and i still have a very sensitive hard ball where he stung me, this past weekend it looked like it was to the surface enough to pic it, and to my mistake it was not ready and now it's healing all over again. but I've been dealing with this one sting for over a month now, just annoying as all get out.

On the plus side this Saturday we went from 3 eggs a day to 10.
Just for future reference if I can't find anyone at work that has one, does anyone have a 3 to 4 month old barred rock roo they are willing to part with near southwest Missouri?

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