calling any one from missouri

I was amazed at how fast mine could dump the feed out of a PVC feeder. I did one also, not like yours tho. It was an L shaped one with the hols drilled in the horizontal pipe. I finally ditched it. It's just so disheartening to see 5-8 pounds of feed scattered on the floor.
I've never even thought to bring the surprise lilies inside! They would probably bother my hubby's allergies anyway!
We have a Buchheit's in House Springs. I prefer it to the other 2 farm stores in the area.
Not only did they use to have free fresh popcorn but they also had a resident pig and the pig would go for walks on Saturdays and one other day and you ( or your kids or both) could walk with it and pet it! But they took the pig out to the farm to live while they wait for the corona virus thing to get under control.
The surprise lilies may be expiring, but the sunflowers are here!
Our thread is slowing down.........😕 Maybe we should bring up some our favorite topics like bugs and alien creatures?
No alien bugs here lately...

but one of the kittens was playing with a cicada yesterday... she’d apparently had it for a while because at that point she would just lazily tap it with her paw to get it to buzz while laying next to it... eventuality the turkey came along and ate it... it’s nice they share like that 😉

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This is one of our yard wabbits... I can get within 4' of them if I move slow.
View attachment 2289688


I haven’t seen our yard bunny for a while 🤔

Btw JT, I had to run up to Mexico to ‘Walt's Tractor Parts’ yesterday...

I remember you mentioning them in the past... I went up 63 and came back on 19, but Swiss meat packing was closed by the time I came back through 😐

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