calling any one from missouri

I have about 160 or so right now in brooders, how many do you want ....

Maybe 5 or 10... LOL!

I have close to 3dz scheduled to hatch this weekend if all goes well. Another 4 dz in about 2 weeks.
ha ha I am just sick with addiction!!
Ok, I remained sane after bringing both my 15 month old and my 4 year old to the first poultry show I've ever been to in Sedalia-- after waiting around at my house till 10:40 for some chicken buyers that never showed up. My kids were quite well behaved! I don't recommend bringing a jogging stroller to a poulty show, stick with the little umbrella ones. It was a tight squeeze around corners! But as such, I didn't have time to socialize with other chicken owners as I was busy monitoring my children. They both enjoyed seeing all the chickens. I was kind of sad to see only 2 d'uccles, both porcelains, and thought I would be ready when the State Fair and October shows come around. I saw some really COOL looking frizzled polish! There were a LOT of bantam old english, and a good number of silkies. I was surprised to see someone had written LICE in big words on one of the cards! (I better make sure my chickens are cootie free before I bring them to a show!) I couldn't believe how GIANT some of the breeder large fowl stock got! We even stopped to look at the horses at the horse show on the fairgrounds too! Someone was giving away two older puppies--- I was SO tempted, but with my husbands allergies.... *sigh* Guess I'll stick with chickens

My little boy started crying when I said it's time to go-- he was my ENABLER! He said 'But you said we were going to buy a chicken!" So to keep my son happy I bought a boyfriend for my only bantam salmon favorelle pullet. And of course the new purchase starts sneezing the whole way home. He's in chicken quarantine and has stopped sneezing-- I guess that's a hint I need to clean my car out a little better......
I told the person I was buying from about my previous bad adult chicken purchasing experience and he reassured me that no one in the flock appeared sick or had any symptoms to be suspicious of. So I'm crossing my fingers that my luck will hold, at least it was NPIP tested stock. I wish I wasn't so paranoid, but I've been burned! He is a cute little fellow, the calmest of the three bantam salmon favorelle roosters, maybe not the glossiest, but I figured if he'd perch on my hand without jumping off, he was coming home with ME! Can't wait to introduce the two.....
I was there, too! So was gocrow77 and averytds ! ! !

To me, it was a BIG disappointment! Nearly all bantams, and I do not care for bantams myself. NO Delawares, NO Buckeyes, NO Ameraucanas, only 2 Jersey Giants ..... blah, blah, blah ...
Oh, Kathy, you don't want to hear what I just found out. I went looking on google for the National Jersey Giant Club and found that the 1st Annual Big Bird Classic was held yesterday in Pine Bluff, Arkansas.
There was a special JG meet. Same with Buckeye and some other breeds. GRRR! Bet everybody went to that show!!
My middle one was car sick all the way through MO, else I'd have probably run down to the AR show.
We stayed until the end around 5PM and got home about 1030PM. We also checked out the flea market and horse show. DD got to pet a lot of horses. That was
for her.

The frizzled Polish belonged to Crested Horizon Poultry. They did really well. I think Connie and Sundy both did well, but I'm not that knowledgeable on all the different classifications, yet. Lots of BBs, RBs, BVs, etc on theirs. I read the notes on the Silkie cage cards and some of the stuff seemed really knit picky, but I think that's the norm when there are so many good birds.

Yeah, we were disappointed too at the lack of LF AMs and no poultry product suppliers. There were several birds I wouldn't have minded to take home. There were 2 sweet white Silkie pullets and a light blue in particular I'd have gladly traded off the kids for, but no deal.
Sundy and Connie were great to talk to about exhibition poultry. We learned a ton. I got to meet Kathy. Plenty of neat equipment to drool over. All told, it was a good day, just not what we had expected.

We do have 2 pips in DDs homemade bator this AM, so we're planning to alternate catnaps and bator staring all day.
Yes, I knew about that one, and did consider it .... but thought I would go to the closer one. Actually, this one was called by an Ameraucana breeder .... and NO Ameraucanas there! Weird, huh? I hope someone posts the results of the Big Bird Classic show.

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