calling any one from missouri

Wow, where is everyone in MO hiding?

Went floating down in Eminence and saw the most beautiful Dorking rooster. My son wants one but I am enjoying the quieter music of the bantam roosters. My 2 BB Red bantam roosters are learning to crow. So cute. Like a teen going through puberty.

My girls started laying about two weeks ago. We are getting a dozen eggs a day right now. Glad I can sell to teachers I work with otherwise my fridge would runeth over.

Saw on the news tonight about the outbreak of Salmonella poisoning from eggs. Very sad. Glad I know where my eggs come from.

I went to the state fair yesterday. I was extremely disappointed when I went in the poultry building only to find rabbits, rabbits and more rabbits! I apparently was there the wrong day! Next year I quess I will have to figure out how you find out what is going to be there on what days.
I was just very disappointed..
Just wanted to let everyone know about the annual Fall Poultry Fest in Silex on Sat. Sept 11th from 8am-1:30pm. It is put on by the River Hills Farmer's Market. To emphasize the growing role of egg production in the River Hills region, the day will feature a performance pullet show, egg show, and laying bird selection demonstrations. New this year, we will have a competition for the best rooster in the River Hills region. It is open to roosters of all ages, breeds, varieties and sizes. For more information please call 573-485-7261 or PM me. I will also be showing and selling birds there. Hope to see some peeps from the BYC there!
Got my Ideal order today! Missy3b talked me into trying some Langshans, so since they were out of Jersey Giant pullets, I went for the Langshans. I sure hope they start laying for Christmas, with all the salmonella scares. I was going to post an auction for d'uccle eggs, but my husband made French toast instead.
Could you define 'best'?

lol....not sure. I don't run the River Hills Market, I just participate. I am very interested to see that myself. I will ask next time I am there. I hope to see some fellow BYC'ers there. I will be the one with the red Durango with the BYC stickers on the
I'm still here in SW Missouri

I hatched out 4 (of 6 eggs) Araucana chicks the 19th and they are so cute! I got the eggs from a breeder in NC. I have more eggs on the way so I hope to create a nice flock of true Araucana's. My other projects are my Serama's, Sebastopol geese (a trio) and my Black Spanish Turkeys (I have 3 poults for sale). I hatched out some really nice chicks this year and hope to have more this fall. My Araucana's are all large fowl but I do have one little bantam Araucana, I keep her with a Serama rooster and she's produced some of the sweetest, most silky soft feathered crossbreeds. They seem to sell as well as any of others. I have a lady waiting for more of them now but Bluesy hasn't been laying consistently the past couple of weeks. All mine here have been moulting so things should be back to normal soon. I also still keep a few Marans and Ameraucana hens for eggs to eat.

How was everyone else's summer? ....besides HOT. Any new breeds or plans?
After the judging is done, you can put a small tag on the cage of the birds you want to sell and have a phone number or the price. or ask someone who the birds belong to. What are you looking for. My daughter will be selling her royal palm turkeys(cock and pullet) and her geese(white chinese, pilgrim) and black cuaga ducks. I dont know how much she wants for them.

I am looking for laying ducks, my husband is allergic to everything, and unfortunately chicken egg albumim (or however its spelled) was just added to the list, Duck eggs are okay though

davony's chicks :

I went to the state fair yesterday. I was extremely disappointed when I went in the poultry building only to find rabbits, rabbits and more rabbits! I apparently was there the wrong day! Next year I quess I will have to figure out how you find out what is going to be there on what days.
I was just very disappointed..

First week is poultry, second week is rabbits. Too bad you did not look us up...we have been there both weeks.​

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