calling any one from missouri

You learn to hate them more when you swell up like the michelen man when you get stung. Although it is kinda funny to look in the mirror and only see eye slits. Doesn't bother me too much anymore, found out I was allergic when I was 6, just a pain when I can't go do something.
I doubt you really missed out on anything at the swap. The reason for not going is kind of a bummer.

I have been doing all selling and no buying. I'm pretty well out of the stuff to sell now.
oh i'm okay now, not a big deal anymore.

worst that can happen, [i hope!], is haveing to get an epi shot. most of the time its just benedril. all depends on where i get stung.

i do have an epi pen in my truck for emergencies!
Hey everyone! had to read lots to get caught up...

Hi to the newbies that snuck in there!

Sorry to hear the swaps are not going well form anyone.

Mefordz- glad you're doing better

Mary Beth & Tony - your chicks are super cute! I wish I was going to Columbia soon, I'd take that little one...

My neighbor has placed eggs in his incubator and I am getting 6 of them. They are Buff Orpintons (sp??) So the kids and I will be making a trip up to their house in 21 days to hopefully see some hatching going on!

The girls have been so happy the last week because I've been getting home in the evening and letting them out to roam for a few hours. Green stuff for all! This weekend they were mad at me because I did't let them out all day. But we had lots going on and the dogs are still learning they can't chase them. That's been tough to get through their heads.

Hope everyone has a great day!
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I'm from SW MO just south of Joplin and wondering about where to go to find out how many chickens you are allowed to have in a residential area? We currently have 9 chicks and 2 ducks and even though we have only had them for a few weeks it would be a shame if we had to down size. (like that would happen)

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