calling any one from missouri

Also have a question. I live in the Kansas City area and wondered if anyone has a feed mill close (within an hours drive) to me that sells feed below the TSC or Feldmen's etc. I'd prefer someone who makes their own feed.

I appreciate your help!

I am happy to report that my Polish girls have joined the ranks of egg laying again!
I noticed this weekend that their little faces were getting redder again so I thought they were about to blow! And they have! YEAH!!! Back up to getting 3-4 eggs a day from my 6 girls. So, someone is still slacking a bit but that's ok, they are laying again.

Can't wait for the chicks to arrive around May 1! Hoping they decide to hatch during the day so my kids can experience it too. Anyone have any tips on how to pick out hens from days old BO chicks?

Have fun at all the swaps this weekend! I'm going to a ladies tea at our church and then my DH is leaving for the week to go back to D.C. again. Wish I could go with him and go sight-seeing!
I am taking 2 bantam cochins, 1 frizzled hen and 1 smooth roo, 2 D'Uccles, a pullet and a hen, a RIR rosecomb bantam hen, a RIR single comb bantam cockerel, a phoenix bantam pullet, and a phoenix bantam cockerel. Basically a bit of I do not expect them to do too well, I have not had time to properly prepare them, but I figure it is a good learning experience and I hope to have fun and meet other chicken people

I'm so glad you are showing off your d'uccles! I think if more people saw how adorable they are there would be more interest. Don't worry too much, you & me & Janet can all get together as it will be a long day. One of my roosters still has green barn paint you can faintly see, and the other got out of the pen and in a fight with my senior rooster. So he'll be shown with a big shiner, and a small chomp out of his beard. (sigh). I'll be seeing you in the d'uccle section, plus I'm bringing my 2 black Jersey Giants, who I've decided NOT to sell after both my neighbor said he's her favorite, and my husband said he really likes 'Big Boy'. So maybe I'll hatch myself a few Jersey Giant babies this summer and see how they turn out.
hello everyone ~

I need help again,one of our new chicks is acting first it was cute and now it's weird and a worry..... when it drinks it puts it head waaaaaaaaaaaaaay back and for the pass two days it puts it's head sooooo far back it flips over...... And of course, it's been my special little one we call it "the baby"........ what's wrong with it???? Is there anything I can do ? Is it a vit. thing??? it's a SF if that helps and is the only one that does it,eats great,growing normal,feathering out better than others also plays ..... thanks
I am taking 2 bantam cochins, 1 frizzled hen and 1 smooth roo, 2 D'Uccles, a pullet and a hen, a RIR rosecomb bantam hen, a RIR single comb bantam cockerel, a phoenix bantam pullet, and a phoenix bantam cockerel. Basically a bit of I do not expect them to do too well, I have not had time to properly prepare them, but I figure it is a good learning experience and I hope to have fun and meet other chicken people

I'm so glad you are showing off your d'uccles! I think if more people saw how adorable they are there would be more interest. Don't worry too much, you & me & Janet can all get together as it will be a long day. One of my roosters still has green barn paint you can faintly see, and the other got out of the pen and in a fight with my senior rooster. So he'll be shown with a big shiner, and a small chomp out of his beard. (sigh). I'll be seeing you in the d'uccle section, plus I'm bringing my 2 black Jersey Giants, who I've decided NOT to sell after both my neighbor said he's her favorite, and my husband said he really likes 'Big Boy'. So maybe I'll hatch myself a few Jersey Giant babies this summer and see how they turn out.

Here I am at the show, it was nice to meet Kristin-- mopargal
and she is adopting my rooster 'Libido' who is a great guy but has been starting trouble with my other roos as he wants to be the top gun. He is one of my two boys from Ugly Duckly's eggs. My porcelain hen got BB in the first show, and Kristin's lavender pullet got BB in the second show. She is such a pretty pullet and had great foot feathers and form.

My jerseys were outclassed, but my Big Boy was definitely one of the shiniest! I think his comb isn't a winner, so he'll just have to be my big pet.

My legs are getting tired though. Concrete floor and standing = achy legs.
I was a bit disappointed that there were a lot of empty cages without birds in them. But it also means we'll be out of here sooner!
Not that many full sale cages either.
Just got back from a mini vacation to Omaha. Took my youngest and went with friends to the Omaha zoo. Amazing place. Weather totally sucked though. It was 40 and rained all the way from Columbia to Omaha and the entire day at the zoo. The good news is that there was no one else there so we had the place to ourselves. Their aquarium is absolutely breathtaking.

Should be within the week that my cochin hatches chicks. Last week I went to check on her and she had pushed aside about half the eggs. I knew this meant they were no good. Sure enough, we cracked them open and no development. It amazes me that chickens can sense when eggs are good or bad. I wasn't surprised, as we just gathered up a bunch of eggs we found in the eaves of the chicken house plus some fresh ones and gave them to her. Smart chicken.

My cat had 6 kittens Friday night. OMG they are so cute. The funny thing is that when my fixed male cat came in the house, momma cat attacked him and it took two people to break them up. It happened twice so the male cat is outdoors til further notice. She has no problem with our other female cat. I guess she is being protective. Needless to say, my boys are in love with the kittens.
I'm so glad you are showing off your d'uccles! I think if more people saw how adorable they are there would be more interest. Don't worry too much, you & me & Janet can all get together as it will be a long day. One of my roosters still has green barn paint you can faintly see, and the other got out of the pen and in a fight with my senior rooster. So he'll be shown with a big shiner, and a small chomp out of his beard. (sigh). I'll be seeing you in the d'uccle section, plus I'm bringing my 2 black Jersey Giants, who I've decided NOT to sell after both my neighbor said he's her favorite, and my husband said he really likes 'Big Boy'. So maybe I'll hatch myself a few Jersey Giant babies this summer and see how they turn out.

Here I am at the show, it was nice to meet Kristin-- mopargal
and she is adopting my rooster 'Libido' who is a great guy but has been starting trouble with my other roos as he wants to be the top gun. He is one of my two boys from Ugly Duckly's eggs. My porcelain hen got BB in the first show, and Kristin's lavender pullet got BB in the second show. She is such a pretty pullet and had great foot feathers and form.

My jerseys were outclassed, but my Big Boy was definitely one of the shiniest! I think his comb isn't a winner, so he'll just have to be my big pet.

My legs are getting tired though. Concrete floor and standing = achy legs.
I was a bit disappointed that there were a lot of empty cages without birds in them. But it also means we'll be out of here sooner!
Not that many full sale cages either.

It was soooo great meeting you Teddi
. "Libido" is settled in to his quarantine cage and is doing well so far. I was so happy that my little self-blue hen did well, but I should give credit to Teddi as I hatched her last year from some of her eggs
. I hope to see more D'Uccles at the next show. As well as some more bantam Phoenix, as mine were the only two
. I would like to have some competition next are some pics of my birds from this show:

Patty- self blue D'Uccle:


frizzled Cochin bantam pullet:


Phoenix bantam cockerel:


Phoenix bantam hen:


RIR SC bantam cockerel:

RIR RC hen:

I took 2 other birds that didn't do as well, I won't take up any more space posting their Anyways, I had a good time. I can't wait for the next show
Congrats on the wins..very pretty birds! I have never shown, probably never will lol, but I'm sure its rewarding.

Would any of you Missourians like to start an egg/chick swap thread on the shows/meetups forum? I'd also like to see an NPIP swap thread if there would be enough interest. I didn't see one over there but may have overlooked it.
Everyone ready for the stormy week ahead? I'm more MUD!

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