calling any one from missouri

Missy, there is a large breeder in our area and he puts a cat inside each coop/run every single night and he said his rodent problem was a thing of the past. His runs were covered and the cats went inside night willingly. I found it very interesting. My cats go inside the coop during the daytime and sit waiting for mice but they could get out anytime they wanted to. My set up isn't as secure as his is. I was fascinated by his set up.
I have a cat that often gets herself locked in and a golden retriever that is obsessed with going in the chicken house. But they are not even making a dent in the mice. I may have to resort to poison. But the feathers just make me want to cry. He is such a gorgeous bird, or at least he was until someone took a chain saw to his tail feathers. UGH!
so sorry
That is definitely a shame about the feathers. Hopefully he will be good to go come fair time...

As far as poisoning the mice, I'd be cautious. You don't want the chickens getting into it, or even eating a dead or dying one, cause they -or any other animal- could be poisoned too. Traps are a lot safer for everyone and more humane for the mice! Good luck...
I had a rat in my pen forever and couldn't get rid of him. Used to actually roost with the chickens... He would bite them in the night... I used live traps, etc, etc... Then one night, I heard a scream and saw something dark fly buy. The owl got him...

I would highly recommend you find as many predators as possible. My chickens eat mice so NEVER a problem at my house and hasn't been a problem IN my house since I've had chickens. There are some REALLY great live traps today that I've seen for sale and a neighbor has one for the ground squirrels. Those can't hurt your chickens.

For feather growth... you need HIGH, HIGH, HIGH protein and he needs to be out in the grass during the day if you can figure out how to do that too. Grass is a natural carb so it'll counteract all the protein he is getting. Probably NOT enough time for you to show him this year though.



I thought I would share pics of our coop it's not totally done.... but if I wait till that happens you guys may never see it




this is my feed room.... not finished yet..but I already love it


and this is the chicken door .. my DH made for me.. metal track... goes to the run or "their playground" that's what our little 3 yr. niece calls it


can't wait till it's done
... asked my DH the other day why is this taking us soooo long... he said "well were only getting to work on it a little at a time and there's lots of extras"
Ok ok maybe I keep adding things.... but that's BYCs fault ... too many good ideas
Free Split to Lavender Rooster he is black (Orpington/Australorp).
Will meet if its not to far,was gonna post this on my local free cycle but its gone

Forgot to add a Rhode Island Red young roo as well.
Anyway Zip is 64682
what's kickin´chicken :


I thought I would share pics of our coop it's not totally done.... but if I wait till that happens you guys may never see it

this is my feed room.... not finished yet..but I already love it
and this is the chicken door .. my DH made for me.. metal track... goes to the run or "their playground" that's what our little 3 yr. niece calls it

can't wait till it's done
... asked my DH the other day why is this taking us soooo long... he said "well were only getting to work on it a little at a time and there's lots of extras"
Ok ok maybe I keep adding things.... but that's BYCs fault ... too many good ideas

I am so envious, that is just beautiful​

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