calling any one from missouri

Happy 4th of July Everyone
Does anyone in the Missouri group (Kansas City area only please) have chicks for sale? I'm really only looking for Rhode Island Reds, Buff Orpingtons and either Ameraucanas or Gold Spangled Hamburgs. If you do not have them, do you know of a local farm that might? I can also take eggs if that is better. I'm wanting about 6 chicks.

PLease holler if you can help me. Thanks.
I just posted 3 true ameraucana's chicks for sale on craiglist. I hatched them from another byc memeber i have 2 blues and one splash. Also have a breeding set of EE on there also. Not sure how far you are from me though.

Was just about to ask if anyone was looking for some baby brown african geese. I have 5 Im tyring to get rid of they are 3 wks old.
Some of the flock were panting this afternoon when I got home, so I tried to put their feet in cold water. They FREAKED out!

But I bet they felt better! It's terrible heat here. I don't know how the poor things stand it. Thankfully their coop and run is always partially shaded.
I lost a hen yesterday. I have a fan running, shade cloth over the run and have been putting ice in their waterers. Don't know what else to do. I also put their feet in water today. They just look so miserable.

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