calling any one from missouri

I hope so ....
I wish I could hear Mike Shannon & John call the game....but I'm having to listen to some ESPN people and it's hard for me to keep up...I'm asking dh a lot of questions..... poor guy ....... well enough complaining on my end..they are really lucky to be playing in the world series,about 2 or 3 months ago I didn't think they stood a chance.... LET"S GO CARDS ....
Thanks everyone who answered about my coop. I have been super busy with Mt. Vernon's Apple Butter Making Days and making my 4 kids halloween costume plus 2 big tutu's for my best friends girls to wear to welcome their daddy home from Iraq. But thanks alot, it helped, sorry I couldn't manage to get on sooner to tell you that. I only have 4 chicks right now. We started our coop and I'm hoping it will be done by Sunday. We had plans we made up but ending up throwing them out the window and just winging We ended up using stuff we had in the barn to make it, with only having to spend about $50. It's not the best but still pretty good I think. We are making a bigger one on the land we are buying and hoping to move on to by next July, so as long as I can hold out on the chicken math until then I'll be okay. But my husband says he can all ready tell I am heading there so his father and him are making the coop on our land and it keeps getting more elaborate. The plan was to build something big enough for about 30 chickens and a pig on each side to help keep unwanted things away but after my hubby and father-in-law got together it will be big enough for 150 chickens, no pigs and have 4 separate pens plus a pen to have a brooder and incubator in and let the chickens out to run around till they are big enough to be put with the big birds. They all ready have the frame up. It is pretty exciting. I am taking pics to post when it is all done. Hope every one has a great weekend!
Thanks, the first 2 are in Cuba, Mo and Sullivan, Mo now. We have finally picked 2 to keep leaving 3 pups and one of those may be spoken for now.

Go Cards!! We're watching too. Our son is in Maryland (Naval Base) and he's watching too

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