calling any one from missouri

Hon, if you have children at home then you need one. I had one up till this year. Hadn't used mine in a year and gave it to my daughter

Three under the age of 8. I don't know how I'd make it without one! Although my mom did.

ahh, but my grandmother didn't even have a dryer...just a wringer washer, which I think clean so much better than my new front loader.
We like our conveniences to an extent. lol
Three under the age of 8. I don't know how I'd make it without one! Although my mom did.

ahh, but my grandmother didn't even have a dryer...just a wringer washer, which I think clean so much better than my new front loader.
We like our conveniences to an extent. lol

That is our set up, wringer washer and no dryer, I'll be glad when the washer gets moved inside! Same with the dish washing. Old school here, but you learn to deal with what you have been dealt
. I do like the job the washer does, we rented a front loader for a bit, but I didn't like it at all, took too long and wasn't sure the clothes (and especially the diapers!) were getting clean. We do get used to our conveniences don't we.
Looking to see if anyone might be able to help a lady that contacted me for duck eggs. Her son has a chicken egg allergy and she found my ad on craigslist. We will be meeting this weekend, but are actually about 2.5 hours apart, just so happen to be going to KC both this weekend. I was wondering if any of you closer to Osawatomie, KS (or in Kansas City, as she works there on the weekends) would happen to have ducks still laying? I told her I'd ask here. If so, just pass on your info to me and I'll send it to her. I just so happen to be taking a friend to the airport, so can meet her this weekend, but normally don't go to KC at all. Thank you,

Julie, I have a wringer in the basement for work clothes that need to come clean and sometimes do my whites in it. Love it but the wringer part doesn't work or I would be using it a whole lot more!
I am also giving away my muscovy hen and she is laying but we are too far away. I never get up that way at all.
Yes, it would be hard to not have the wringer part work, I did that for awhile and boy does hand wringing hurt your hands! I had thought about seeing if she could have ducks where she lived, that would be the perfect solution.
I only have 2 ducks, but they are both laying and I get around a dozen a week. How many was she wanting?

I will ask her, I meant to before to answer just that one, but I forgot, I'll send an email right now.
I will let her know though, she works in KC over the weekends.

Duck eggs are getting VERY popular because of the allergy factor. I've heard that in some communities they go for 8-10 bucks a dozen. That's crazy?!

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