calling any one from missouri

You need to contact Bill Ruppert of Kirkwood, MO. He is known as "St. Louis County's Chicken Man". There was an article about him in the South County Times - November 11 - 17, 2011 - Titled "Grantwood Village Tackles Hometown Hen Houses". He has been involved in city fights over chickens for years. He said that most of the squawking over chickens calms down, once the residents find out that they can be raised safely, with virtually no waste and odor issues. Here is a quote from Ruppert, "I am talking to Richmond Heights about their chicken issue now. Ballwin is dealing with chickens. I have testified on this issue so much that I have a PowerPoint presentation that I bring to city meetings on requests."
Grantwood Village trustees expect to approve an ordinance on keeping chickens in their town on Nov. 15. The city action comes after weeks of clucking about regulations, and a few ruffled feathers over the issue.

"This whole chicken thing is new to me," said Cathy Forand, chairman of the Grantwood Village Board of Trustees. "I just didn't know that people were wanting to keep chickens in their backyard to have fresh eggs every day.

"It came to our attention when a chicken coop arrived at one of our resident's house in August, and it got a neighbor upset," said Forand. "That's when we found out we had two ordinances on the books that contradicted each other, and we needed to do something."

Forand said after much study, a proposed ordinance is on the village website at and it seems to have quieted concerns. The website shows where village officials drew from other cities' ordinances in putting together the regulations on hometown hen houses.

For example, rules on not allowing chickens to run at large were drawn from Sunset Hills and Kirkwood. Wording that forbids raising chickens for commercial use was drawn from Ladue. The number of chickens on any property cannot exceed four, and roosters are expressly prohibited.

Residents who run afoul of the detailed restrictions will lose their permit for keeping the feathery fowls. Any resident who loses their permit for a public hazard violation will not be allowed to apply for another permit for a period of two years.

Bill Ruppert of Kirkwood, who is known as St. Louis County's "Chicken Man," has been involved in city food fights over chickens for years. He said most of the squawking over chickens calms down, once residents find out that they can be raised safely, with virtually no waste and odor issues.

Ruppert has 26 chickens of his own in an elaborate coop at his home in south Kirkwood near St. Louis Community College at Meramec. He keeps his household and his friends in fresh eggs, which he describes as more flavorful than anything you will find at area supermarkets.



Chickens like these belonging to Bill Ruppert have become part of a growing sustainability movement in urban settings. photo by Ursula Ruhl (click for larger version)
"Chickens are catching on and you see cities dealing with the issue all over the area," said Ruppert. "I am talking to Richmond Heights about their chicken issue now. Ballwin is dealing with chickens. I have testified on this issue so much that I have a PowerPoint presentation that I bring to city meetings on request."

Chicken Man's Mission

"We've got such a patchwork of ordinances in our 92 municipalities in the county," said Ruppert. "Some outlaw them all together, while cities like Kirkwood are pretty flexible. I think that's because Kirkwood has a long, early history of raising chickens at home.

"I have 26 and about half of them are beyond egg-laying age," said Ruppert. "Out in the country, they would be chicken-and-dumplings dinners by now. But I like to keep them around. I have names for the ones with real personality."

Ruppert said problems with urban chickens arise when owners try to raise too many chickens for the size of a property. Another problem arises when roosters are adopted, because they are early risers and wake up the whole neighborhood - and they can be a little testy.

"Roosters don't belong in town and should be outlawed," said Ruppert. "When I advise that at city meetings, I get these questions about how hens can lay eggs without the help of their rooster friends.

"Well, you have unfertilized eggs without the roosters," Ruppert explained. "You don't want fertilized eggs unless you want chicks. I think that question shows how far we've gotten away from our rural roots. We don't know where our food comes from and how it gets here."

Raising chickens is part of a growing sustainability movement, according to Ruppert. He said one of the many benefits of that movement is that people are getting back to the land, the outdoors, and appreciating the need to protect the earth.

Of course, folks who raise chickens in urban and suburban areas can add their own twist to the task. Ruppert puts golf balls in the hens' egg-laying hutches. He said he thinks it gives them encouragement and it also keeps them from kicking out all the hay in their egg-laying hideouts.

Ruppert said his hens are quiet with about the same decibel level as a normal human conversation. Hens do make some brief racket after proudly producing the proverbial "product" for which they are prized.

"Four hens are generally enough to get you a dozen eggs a week - easily," said Ruppert. "They are so rich and tasty. Eggs you buy in the store have usually sat for a while and are flat. The FDA regulations allow them to get as old as 60 days before sale."

Hazardous To Health?

The Grantwood Village ordinance to be acted on Nov. 15 puts emphasis on chicken coop cleanliness and prevention of disease. It notes that any chickens that contribute to the spread of salmonella, listeria or dangerous bacteria will result in their owners losing permits.

Several avian flu scares over the past decade have caused public concern, but the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has pointed out that small flocks pose literally no risk of transmission of avian flu to humans.

Advocates for sustainable lifestyles insist that it's the monster-size flocks in commercial poultry production that pose the most health risks. Confined and over-crowded conditions cause stress and weaken the birds' immune systems.

Ruppert said the whole back-to-the-backyards chicken movement is playing a positive role in educating people about food production and food safety. He likes to cite the "7 False Myths About Urban Chickens," by known chicken-whisperer Patricia Foreman, in making the case for the safety and beneficial side effects of raising chickens.

"I think people are getting into this precisely because they are concerned about food safety," said Ruppert. "They want to grow green. They want to be aware of the circle of life. They want to find out about sustainability. It's a positive thing."

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Hey, all. I've got about 10 buff Silkie chicks for sale.... again.
They range in age from 2-8 weeks old. They are from my
show Silkies, though I wouldn't consider these chicks
show quality, just pet quality.
They are just not what I want for my breeding purposes.
We bought a new house in September. I sold all of my chickens except for 3 bantam cochins. We have been working on the house for the past 3 months and are almost finished so I will finally have time to start building new coops. I hope to start replenishing my stock by March and will be looking for bantam cochins and Rhode Island Reds.
So keep me in mind if you breed any of these.
Anyone in near Springfield, Mo raising Serama's or Araucana's? I've got both and looking for breeders to do some swapping with this spring.
I have large fowl true Araucana and my Serama are A's through C's in size.
Araucana's - Black pen, white pen and "other"
Serama's in black, blue, blue wheaten, silver duckwing, mottled, chocolate and frizzled and "other"
My current project has begun on chocolate Araucana's, my black, double tufted/rumpless hen India is in with my pea combed split for chocolate cockerel and he's crowing now and hope to have fertile eggs soon. I'm keeping a couple of spots open in the incubator now for that moment
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Anyone in near Springfield, Mo raising Serama's or Araucana's? I've got both and looking for breeders to do some swapping with this spring.
I have large fowl true Araucana and my Serama are A's through C's in size.
Araucana's - Black pen, white pen and "other"
Serama's in black, blue, blue wheaten, silver duckwing, mottled, chocolate and frizzled and "other"
My current project has begun on chocolate Araucana's, my black, double tufted/rumpless hen India is in with my pea combed split for chocolate cockerel and he's crowing now and hope to have fertile eggs soon. I'm keeping a couple of spots open in the incubator now for that moment

might be interested in some chicks this spring... I had a tiny serama hen that looked like a dove and wouldn't mind having another couple like that, or a couple of good blue-laying araucanas. but no birds to trade or share genetics on. I've got some New Hampsires and plan to add a few more too.

however late in the summer I should have some quality Silver Appleyard ducks to trade, if the year goes well.
If you just like the Araucana's for the egg color, my whites lay the bluest eggs. I am incubating eggs now and they're laying pretty well despite the cold snap. My Serama's are in the garage staying warm and they're laying like crazy now. Do you not have your Serama now? The tiny one's don't live long, they're just so fragile. Most don't live past a year if that. I'm talking the micro's, the super tiny ones. I have Class A's, B's and C's for breeding but I do get the micro's. I had a chick once that was a full month old and never made it to a full ounce. He died soon after he was a month old, no apparent cause, just died. He seemed to be doing well although he was never just real robust and healthy. I have a teeny black one on my desk now. He's half the size of his hatchmate with him in the cage now. The larger one will go out to the garage with some others when this teeny one has a newly hatched buddy to keep him company. He will stay in the house till he's fully feathered or otherwise seems ready to go out with the others. He was quite the spitfire as a hatchling. I'm hoping he (or she) will at least get to a class A weight.

Here is a link to my photobucket album. There are sub albums you can go into to see the individual breeders photo's. There is a Serama album, an Araucana album and some others, feel free to look at them all. Where are you located from Springfield? You can PM me if you prefer. The sub albums on the lover left are where the photo's are, if you click on the araucana's album, there will be a sub album on that page for each individual hen and rooster etc. Hills Farm Poultry/

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