calling any one from missouri

It was fun, and it was huge, just like the first time I went.
As usual, I left with more chickens than I came with...
but at least the ones I sold more than paid for the ones I bought.

I imagine you already have that answer figured out, Mamabear66, but, yes, I am.
(I'm Mary Ann)
Hello, Cheri, and
. You will rapidly learn that Chicken Math makes it nearly impossible to stop getting chickens.

Hello, Angela, and
.Enjoy your new babies, and, yes, the learning curve can sometimes be pretty steep.
There are some great people on here, and there is a huge repository of knowledge to be found here.

I would also invite both of you to wander over to Facebook's Chicken Swap of Missouri, and join there.
lol. Hi Mary Ann.....chicken math is impossible to keep up with....Im learning first hand, and NOT by having chicks, just chickens seem to appear from thin air. the link for FAceBook's Chicken Swap of MO is:!/groups/225021300913860/
Hello! I'm Angela and we live in Lake of the Ozarks. We are new to raising chickens. We have 5 chickens that are around 7 weeks old, don't know the breed or sex. We just got our coop built today. It's soooo much bigger then I expected so I'm hoping to maybe get some full grown chickens so we can start getting eggs but we'll probably just hold off.
I'm so excited to learn about raising chickens. We are literally learning as we go!
Angela, I bought 30 chickens at the end of April. Im new too, and had NO coop for my chicks(they were only days old and another set were 2 wks old). I ended up making a coop n yard soon after because I learned how quickly these lil guys grew. BYC has loads of info, but if you'd like to talk to local people or find someone nearby to help out w any questions, I'd suggest going to the FaceBook group called Chicken Swap of MO @!/groups/225021300913860/ they havehelped me so MUCH. Since many go to the area's swap meets and other venues, you have a good chance of meeting them in person. I met a few at the Swap meet at Jacob's Cave(near you). There is another swap meet there in Oct....they have a website as well. Good Luck! I'm always learning something new, which I love....
Sorry to hear of your goVment harassment ChickenCanoe.

I think that some public input to Mr. Norman McCourt may help you with your situation.
So you fellow chicken farmers who think it is wrong to not allow ChickenCanoe to continue to raise his chickens then I urge you to contact Mr. McCourt.

Here is Mr. McCourt's contact info for all that would like to contact him and request that ChickenCanoe be allowed to keep his birds with no further harassment.

Mayor Norman C. McCourt 13579 Old Jamestown Rd. 63033

Infor Glened from this link, it also has the other city members listed. Jack
Your mayor is ridiculous and full of himself. Best wishes from KCMO. I would love to own some of your breed one day and support you fully.

I'm in the Stockton area and me and my family have lots of chickens and 8 ducks,hopefully soon we will have turkeys and geese too.
and I will be soon be getting 10 Crevecoeur chicks

I'm also am a member of Chicken Swap of Missouri
And here are pictures of some of our chickens (sorry I love sharing pictures)

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Hi. My family and I are from southern Missouri, I'm originally from Southeast Missouri. We have a small 30 acre farm which is crawling with animals. We have a flock of about 50 chickens, counting the free range ones which completely take care of themselves. We have several rabbits, 10 ducks, 4 calves, two pigs, two cats and 1 dog of our own and 1 that my father-in-law leaves with us. We try to raise a garden every year and this year is no exception.
I think the witch hunt has begun.
The mayor called me late Thursday afternoon June 7 asking me to send a letter to city hall requesting an extension of the deadline. On June 8 I sent a certified letter. The City won't get that letter till the 11th. On June 9th I received a letter with a new deadline (5 weeks later). I thought "that's a start" but I looked at the postmark and noted it was sent before the mayor asked me to request an extension. It feels like they want to make it appear they are trying to cooperate to alleviate the intense heat and let the matter cool down.
If they were already in the process of granting an extension - what sense does it make to have me send a letter asking for what was already granted.
The strange thing is one of my neighbors with chickens also got a letter on the 9th to remove his chickens(and roos). So if they are backing down, why are they continuing to pursue removal of chickens from the city.
Methinks that something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

The mayor also told me not to do anything rash, I told him "I'm not a rash person."
I've been following your story from afar, and read the links today of your battles. I hope you and the other chicken owners can band together with enough backing to make that so-and-so back down!

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