calling any one from missouri

Hi all Im in south east MOi about an hour from st louis Anybody know of a person sells pure breed hatching eggs?Not a hatchery I have been getting them shipped and the % of hatch is pitiful From st louis to Rolla or even Jeff city/ Columbia area would be fine.
What kind of eggs are you looking for ? Right now the seramas and Sussex are laying. The polish are taking a break. I am in Bloomsdale just off 55.
Would any body like some Swedish flower cockerels ? I have extras. I also have some half Swede half polish pairs. Very interesting. Oh and lots of seramas.
I think I've heard that a lot of breeds have taken a vacation with this heat.

Actually, today's temps were better than they have been for two months...if this continues, maybe every one will start laying again.
What kind of eggs are you looking for ? Right now the seramas and Sussex are laying. The polish are taking a break. I am in Bloomsdale just off 55.
Would any body like some Swedish flower cockerels ? I have extras. I also have some half Swede half polish pairs. Very interesting. Oh and lots of seramas.
YOu are close. I am in Bonne Terre not far off 32.

Rreally LOVE LOVE Lavender Orp eggs... 20 or 30
BBS Orps maybe 5 . I have one chick
,Maybe some EE's,
Nice bred Buff Brahmas, have one chick .

I am not familiar with Sussex have to look them up

Please tell me you have Lo's!!or someone does..Where i can pick them up
So far i will have to go to Ill to get some 4 1/2 hours (same back) to keep from getting shipped again.Bloomsdale is next store. Might get sussex. What do you charge for hatching eggs?PM me.
I havent gone so i need to go soon.Family center 2nd SAt? or 3rd?
I didnt know about busenbarks when is it?
I a m trying to keep my flock very limited ,Never had a chicken, went crazy last spring bought 11 chicks and they grew and grew.
Sold 3 have 8 now
These 5 chicks i am keepng from my hatches b/c i like the breeds Mostly Brahmas & a few Orps but enjoy hatching and baby chicks so would like to do more..Just need to have buyers for what i hatch. So ask ppl ahead
.So no t sure about the sussex.Really dont know about them..
Oh the Sarama i would love thee i think as i ilove tiny things but Idont want to get hooked on a chicken that is unproductive .I have too many pets as it is...11dogs.6 chihuahualap dogs and 4 English Mastiffs 1 cat...8 chickens and 5 chicks now.
I sell my mastiff puppies about once a year to keep my dogs in food etc.....and the chickens well eggs anyway but cute Saramas??Geez i am fighting the urge AND IT IS ONE
Hi there Missouri! We live in the Lake of the Ozarks area. I just wanted to say hello to my fellow statesmen and women.
And since I am here ask if anyone knew where I could find some Barred Rock Cochin hens? I am looking for a few ladies for the good looking fellow pictured below. Thanks and hello again!

I just recently got a young bantam barred Cochin, a girl, I believe. That is, assuming the gender color difference is the same in these little ones as it is in the LF breeds like Dominique and Barred Rock. She's about 7 weeks old. I don't know anything about her bloodlines, but she is a doll. Would you be interested? We could meet somewhere in the middle, say, the 54 & 13 Hwy junction, or, if I can get it coordinated, I have a side trip to Dixon I'd like to add in, to save on travels. If you're interested, send me a message.

No rooster and we are seeing other hens peck at her back
If they're crowded or bored, that can happen, or if their diet is low in calcium. Try adding baked, crushed eggshell, or oyster shell, where they can have it free choice, for the calcium. Give them things to occupy their time, like tying up a head of lettuce or broccoli or something for them to peck at besides each other. Good luck getting your chicken misbehavior stopped.
If you haven't already joined Chicken Swap of MO on face book, I think someone has some to sell (or did she buy them - in which case she could tell you where they came from).


Edited to add that the lady selling them is in White Church, MO (I don't know if that's close to you or not - I don't even know where it is)
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