Can 3 week old peeping chicks crow?


13 Years
Oct 4, 2008
New Milford, CT
Just wondering if 3 week old chicks can crow - even if they are still peeping?? I'm hearing a lame noise coming out of our shed but can't catch the culprit!
i read on BYC (about 2 weeks ago) that someone had that happen! i think it was about 3 - 5 weeks old or something! maybe do a search and see if you can find that thread.
That's funny that you ask this, because just this year, I had a funny one happen. I'm just standing there admiring my new babies..probably a couple of weeks old, and all of a sudden, one stands up, spreads out the wings, stretches out that little neck, and makes the funniest, can't even type down the sound..noise...and I just started laughing, and asked him/her..what the heck was that??

Too funny...thinking that little one is a roo!
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I had one crow between two and three weeks old. He and another hatch mate got beat up, so I brought them into the house to heal. The next morning I hear a strange noise, then thought...that's not what I think it is. Sure enough he was crowing.

He still crows more than the other roos and thinks he is the king of the world. Turned out to be a great roo. Wouldn't trade him for anything.
I had a little 3 week old start to crow as well. I was sitting at the computer on BYC when all of a sudden this little noise started in the spare bedroom.It was the cutest thing. it was a little orpington hes now grown and named Cyrus

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