Can 5 week old chicks have yogurt?


10 Years
May 5, 2009
I give my older chickens yogurt as a treat once a week. Can my 5 week old chicks have yogurt, or should they be older?
here is some facts on feeding chicks probiotics and milk products
my friend Nathalie Ross who was a vet tech and has done rehabilitating since she was young gives this information on a chick

gut bacteria
At 7 weeks, the babies are still in the
process of getting their gut bacteria in order. See, they're born
without any bacteria at all in their gut. So they eat at day 2, and put
food in there as a food source for themselves but also for bacteria.
Basically, it's first-come-first-serve for bacteria. If the bad ones get
there first, they take over and your birds get ill. IF there are some
good but mostly bad, the same thing happens. If you give your birds
probiotics (substances containing live beneficial bacteria) your GOOD
bacteria will have the advantage. Those good bacteria crowd out the bad,
make it impossible for the bad bacteria to live in anything but minimal
numbers, and thus help your birds to stay healthy. So I always
recommend giving probiotics weekly from week 2 til point of lay. Then I move
to once a month or as needed. You can use live-culture yogurt

(1 teaspoon per 8 newly hatched, moving up to 1 teaspoon per point of lay

bantam, 1 tablespoon per point of lay large fowl - no more please). You can
also use powdered livestock probiotics (Probios dispersable powder
being my absolute favorite - it's the choice of exotic bird breeders, and I also have hookbills).

any questions email me
My babies loved yogurt at that age!

I forgot to add to feed the unsweetened plain yogurt.
They don't need the sugar or artificial sweetners. LOL
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I too began to treat my chx the first week with yogurt.
they seemed to prefer Vanilla fussy
little fuzzy butts LoL
but also fed them dimor chix starter
the first 3months then pellets.

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