Can a baby duckling have TOO much bath time?


Free Ranging
Apr 21, 2018
Robertson County, TN
I know this may be a silly question but I'm going to ask it anyways. I got my ducklings from Tractor Supply July 25th. So they're almost 2 weeks old. It's my first time ever owning ducks. I've been letting them swim/have play time in the bathtub every day. Supervised of course! I'm with them the entire time. I've slowly increased the depth of water but keep it where they can touch the bottom. It's so fun to watch them swim under the water from one side of the tub to the other and zoom all around. They look like they're having so much fun!:love


But my question is, Am I "bathing" them too much? I noticed when they were in the tub, that I could see their skin and the, what are they called, sheaths? of the feathers so much more than I used to. Is that just their feathers starting to come in and perfectly normal? Or should I have them take a bath not quite as often? It's my Pekins that I noticed this with. Can't really tell with my Rouens. Sry if this is a dumb question. I'm just trying to make sure I'm doing ok by them. Thx!
They are so cute!!!! How long are you leaving them in the tub????

Thank you. Maybe about 15 minutes or so. I try to watch their body language. Once they slow down on the swimming and grow more focused on the stationary grooming, I figure it's time to get them out. I dry them off a little bit with a towel (which gets soaked! It's amazing how much water 6 little duckies can hold) and then get them back in their brooder so they can continue to groom themselves, finish fully drying off and warm up.

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