Can a broody hen have chicks and eggs?


13 Years
Nov 30, 2009
New Hampshire
I have 2 remaining chicks (of 5) they're lonely for sure - I tried last night to see if my broody hen (cochin X silkie) would take them - but she was only content when they were under her, she seemed a little to aggressive with them walking around her for me to be comfortable leaving her with them (although I probably should've left her for the night to see what happened)...

I originally talked to a woman about getting some fertile eggs (still kind of my plan - for this weekend) ...

So I'm debating on trying the chicks with the hen again ... or just letting her have her eggs this weekend ... I could keep the 2 in the brooder and maybe try them again when/if she actually hatches some of her own ... OR is it ok for her to still sit on eggs and have the 2 chicks ?

And on another note... if I get fertile eggs (bantam eggs) how many could my broody comfortably sit on/hatch out ? (she's the size of a bantam cochin has feathers with head poof ... she's a funny looking girl for sure)
If she has chicks under her she is going to quit sitting shortly. Which is why when I have a broody hen I remove the chicks as soon as they are dried out so that she will continue to stay on the remaining eggs so they have a chance to hatch. When the hatch is complete, I give the chicks back to her.

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