Can a duckling have a heat stroke?


10 Years
Sep 7, 2009
Memphis, TN
I have a couple ducklings in a brooder cage in my chicken coop. There is no direct sunlight. But its been really humid and hot today\\. About 90 degrees. I currently did not have a large bowl of water in there to swim in. I went out and saw my 2 ducklings and 2 chicks in there eating and drinking fine. Then about 30 minutes later I went in and saw both ducklings laid back with there neck stretched back.. looked like some sort of a stroke or seizure. All I could think was a heat stroke. So I put them in water to cool there bodies down. They both started stroking less. One died
The other pulled through. But doesnt have a good sense of balance right now. It is stumbling and tripping. Is that a sign of a heat stroke? Is there anything I can do to help this poor duckling? Its in my bathroom right now.... Its quacking and running around.
hello, so sorry to hear about this! i gave my ducklings a bath the water wasn’t hot, just about room temperature. i’ve always dried them off with a hairdryer on the warm setting with low speed. today when i did this the smallest two were laying on their sides not moving they were panting and still chirping but i thought they had died. i got a small towel and walked outside with them since it was cooler. after a while i brought them back in and put them in their brooder. they were still having trouble balancing but eventually they started walking around and acting fine.

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