Can anyone help? Ladies or gentlemen?

Sit up in the morning and watch them to see who is crowing. They all look different so they will be easy to cull as you watch them. Look closely at their neck feathers. Males will have long pointed feathers on their necks and also long pointed feathers on their lower back, falling to each side of their tail. Best bet though is to watch them in the early morning (get up and go sit with a cup of coffee. Avoid letting them see you watching them). As they crow .. make them disappear. As mentioned above, most roosters are really damned mean. Of all the ones in the past I have had, only one was a gentleman and very nice to have around.
That's so early though haha
I actually can't see anything from the outside of the pen either. I have sent which one I think is the main culprit to a be home today and no.2 goes tomorrow. So after that cross your fingers for me the other 2 stay chicken quiet haha.
Thank you for replying.
Some things that may tell you...You may see little tiny bumps where spurs may form on the back inner leg. Also, females hold their tails higher, whereas males tend to droop and curve down. Female tail feathers are perfect and round at the ends whereas the boys tend to be a bit ragged. Another thing you can do...Get them all on one spot, stand still above them and wave a hat or something quickly above your head. The boys will look up immediately.
Hope some of these help. Also, as long as they don't become aggressive, you can buy a "No Crow" collar online if you want to keep any of them. It makes them sound like they are burping and doesn't hurt them at all. There are some YouTube vids.
Watch those boys around your daughter. If she's already iffy about full grown chickens she's going to be totally put off adults when the boys attack her. They can be dangerous. Get rid of them quickly is my advice.
I only just seen this comment, they were never a chance of staying haha, I found home for the 2 definite boys and I'll see how the 2 go haha. Thanks heaps for your help!!!
I only just seen this comment, they were never a chance of staying haha, I found home for the 2 definite boys and I'll see how the 2 go haha. Thanks heaps for your help!!!
I'm very glad you found homes. Your pullets will be happier and calmer. Keep handling them.

Btw, I just now re-read that post I made. It threw me at first. I reaaaally should call them cockerels, not boys.:oops::lau
I'm very glad you found homes. Your pullets will be happier and calmer. Keep handling them.

Btw, I just now re-read that post I made. It threw me at first. I reaaaally should call them cockerels, not boys.:oops::lau
LOL. It's deserved I think. I just came back from a dog event. The males kept spoiling things by leg lifting on course objects (dog is loose and owner can not have a leash on dog .. automatic disqualification too) that now need replacing. Boys will be indeed be boys.
Hi everyone, this page was really helpful for my last question so I'm gunna ask you guys another.
I ended up with 2 out of my 4 being ladies, so I purchased 2 more pullets who started laying before my original 2. They are Isa Browns and lay the light brown eggs. I'm going to add more recent pics of my original 2, Dolly (wyandotte) started laying white eggs a couple of weeks ago and the Audrey (cuckoo marans, as told to me by this group) I assume has just started laying as I'm getting 4 eggs now however I'm getting 2 white eggs and Google tells me that hers should be dark brown. I'm happy with any eggs whatever the colour haha but I'm just wondering if maybe she is a different breed?!?! ‍♀️. Can anyone help me please?


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I don't see white eggs. I see 1 dark egg from Marens, 1 medium brown egg from SLW, and 2 light brown/cream eggs from 2 Isa Browns. I think your birds are the correct breed. My SLW eggs are the medium brown like yours.
What @Cryss said... No white there....
Thanx for replyung.
I should've explained that the 2 darkest ones are the colours that have been laid all along from the Isa's, the first light one I got from the SLW, I know it was from her as she took over an hour and a lot of noise to.lay the smallest egg I've ever seen haha. The second light one has come since I seen the marans in the boxes. The pic attached is the 3 different colours I was getting before the 4th started.
Thanx again for the replies

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