Can Anyone Help Me Identify These Bantam Chicks?


Jul 22, 2014
Central TX
Since we don't have any Bantams in our flock I was easy game when my boys wanted to pick up these 3 cuties while we were in TSC a few weeks ago. Although we have a couple of ideas on what they may be, we're still not positve so we're coming to the experts! My little phone plus a stormy day makes for not so good pics so I'm sorry they're not better. I can try to get better ones if needed. Thank yall ever so much! :)

The one in pic #3 seems to have some VERY VERY fine copper colored specks in his black plumage.
They look like Old English Game to me (first is a Red Pyle, second is Black, and third might be a Black Breasted Red, though I'm not certain).
They look like Old English Game to me (first is a Red Pyle, second is Black, and third might be a Black Breasted Red, though I'm not certain).
Thank you so much for your help Wyandottes7! :) I'm assuming you're a fan of Wyandottes ;) I would love to add one or two to my flock...they are just beautiful! :)

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