Can anyone help with breed and gender?


5 Years
Jul 23, 2014
Webster, Fl
Hi, I have been given 11 chickens from my husband that he bought at an auction. He thought they were barred rock pullets, I was out at the car with my 18 month old, changing a diaper!! The weather has been very rainy and just got to really take a good look at them and really see that most are roosters but very hard to tell. I'm thinking they are barred rock/ameraucana crossed?? Any help on these would be greatly appreciated :)

I was thinking they were around 4/5 months old but maybe they are younger then I thought! ?? Also, no crowing or egg laying, no one acting like boys. All scared of my other hens but getting around nicely.
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Hi, I have been given 11 chickens from my husband that he bought at an auction. He thought they were barred rock pullets, I was out at the car with my 18 month old, changing a diaper!! The weather has been very rainy and just got to really take a good look at them and really see that most are roosters but very hard to tell. I'm thinking they are barred rock/ameraucana crossed?? Any help on these would be greatly appreciated :)
Ameraucana cross pullet

BR pullet

BR pullet

One in the front's tail feathers say roo. Ameraucana crosses (both) pullet in back

Ameraucana cross roo in front. Older BR pullet in back and BR pullet in the middle

Ameraucana cross roo? up front. BR pullet in the back. Middle one looks like rooster

Pure bred BR pullets on left and in the back. Up front Ameraucana cross rooster

??? Pullet. possibly rooster judging by tail feathers

Purebred BR pullet? Tail feathers say rooster. Comb and wattles say pullet. Hmm.

Purebred BR pullet

BR cross rooster in the front. Don't know the cross. Younger rooster
Some I'm unsure but I guessed my best.
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I wonder if they are project birds. Maybe somebody was working on barred Ameraucanas?

I'm seeing what looks like whiteish ears on some. One looks almost rumpless, or Cochin-tailed?

It does look like a lot of cockerels in that group.
I wonder if they are project birds. Maybe somebody was working on barred Ameraucanas?

I'm seeing what looks like whiteish ears on some. One looks almost rumpless, or Cochin-tailed?

It does look like a lot of cockerels in that group.
They do look like Barred Rock/Ameraucana crosses possibly. Definitely not pure Barred Rocks. The bird in front in the 4th photo looks like a possible male. I also see two probable males in the 5th photo (two birds farthest to the right). The middle bird and front bird in the 7th photo, the bird in front in the 8th photo and the brown bird in that same photo, the bird in the 9th photo, and the two birds in the last photo also look like roosters.
I wonder if they are project birds. Maybe somebody was working on barred Ameraucanas?

I'm seeing what looks like whiteish ears on some. One looks almost rumpless, or Cochin-tailed?

It does look like a lot of cockerels in that group.

They do look like Barred Rock/Ameraucana crosses possibly. Definitely not pure Barred Rocks. The bird in front in the 4th photo looks like a possible male. I also see two probable males in the 5th photo (two birds farthest to the right). The middle bird and front bird in the 7th photo, the bird in front in the 8th photo and the brown bird in that same photo, the bird in the 9th photo, and the two birds in the last photo also look like roosters.
That's what I was thinking! Thank you all! Some were just hard guessing since they didn't always have both feathering and comb to match, but I do think there were only like 3 or 4 pullets out of the 11. Guess I just wanted some other opinions! Thank you again :)

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