Can anyone identify these tracks?

I was hoping no one would say they thought it was a weasel, brn325! Thanks for your post though...made me wonder how well the photos I posted actually read and thought it might be interesting to have something to compare to, so I went online in search of pictures of weasel tracks, and found some. They're a bit deeper, bigger and rounder and they're much more "defined"with toe imprints and none of the fine lines. If anyone is interested, here's the link:,M1

PLUS...I wonder if it could be a weasel and yet no "damage" has been done?

Oh dear! Hoping that the consensus that it's mice/rodent is correct!
Looks suspiciously like Chupacabra tracks to me.

Hard to say from the photos. Looks a bit Ratish though from what might be tail marks.
my first guess was rabbit, too, but typically you see droppings w/rabbit tracks. At least around my parts! Maybe watch for scat and try to identify via that route as well as by tracks.
Clay in Iowa!!! In this case, it's a good thing those Chupacabras are more fond of goats!!!! (I don't have any of those
) Of course, my background in Chupacabra lore comes from "The X-Files"....
I agree with Mike. These are rat tracks. Rats hop through the snow beacuse walking is too hard. You can also see the tail drags in the snow where they land. I would purchase some bait sticks from the local feed store If I were you. Don't buy the pellets. The rats just haul these away and store them in their nests. The bait sticks are too big for them to haul into thier hole and usually need to chew them apart to get them in. This is alot more effective than the pellets. I had problems with them myself last fall. !!HAD!! Good luck.

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