Can anyone identify these tracks?


You may have a rodent problem. If you don't want mice (they spread disease and eat feed) then I would suggest a nice cat. One that won't kill chickens.
the second set of tracks on the link you posted look very similar to the bottom set of pictures. alot of times when you have mice it will attract weasels. we have caught three outside our coop this winter
There IS a cat that comes around my place from the barn next door...I'm HOPING she's trying to catch mice for me!!

Do you think it's OK to set the standard mousetraps at night in the chicken run with peanut butter for bait? That way the chickens won't be affected by the traps (they'll be inside the coop)....but I also wouldn't want to attract anything scarier than mice by having peanut butter smell inside the run....would peanut butter attract weasels? I don't want a mouse problem to turn into a weasel problem!!! That would be MUCH MUCH worse! :)
I dont think they are mice tracks. The distance between the front and back pads is to large. Most likely a small rabbit. Shouldnt be much to worry about.

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