Can anyone tell me about magpie genetics?


10 Years
Oct 12, 2009
Northern Ohio

Can anyone tell me the basics of magpie genetics?

Thank ya!!
Well the magpie pattern is considered one of the toughest to perfect and get to breed through true. Even two good parents are likely to produce a lot of mismatched ducklings. I hate to say this but since you can usually spot a good pattern shortly after hatch the usual procedure is to produce lots of ducklings and cull heavily. If it is known how to get a good cap to be passed on to birds with good body markings, it is pretty much a breeder's secret. I have to disclose that I failed with them, maybe someone that was sucessful can tell you more. good luck!
Thank you for your reply! Is there anywhere I can go to get the specifics of colors when breeding? Such as blank x blank will produce- blank, or do not use these certain colors together, ect.?

For example, what would happen if you bred a magpie to a white?

Does this mean magpie is a color of ducks and not a breed? I have two young ducks that I was told are magpie. These are my first two ducks and so far I know nothing beyond the fact that they love water!

Thank you for the link. I appreciate any educational material I can get, we are just learning. I would be happy to keep any non-conforming colors as pets. But would love to have some nice bibbed and magpies to breed later.


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