Can anyone tell me what breed and gender my sweet muts are?

Frankies Mom

In the Brooder
5 Years
May 24, 2014
They were born April 5, 2014. The man I got them from said they "should" all be hens. The only one he said might be a rooster looks like a hen to me...TBD
If I knew the breed, I could tell the sex!

This is the runt of the litter...he acts like a roo, but I have seen other chickens that look like him and people say they are hens???
might be a delleware pullet

both look to be pullets

looks like he might be a buff orpington rooster

looks like a buff orpington rooster

looks like a black sex link rooster (see odd feather color in him)


light sussex rooster

black sex link rooster (see odd feather color)

looks like barred rock rooster

looks like barred rock rooster

could be a black sex link pullet (or a mix pullet)

These guesses are based on a age of slightly less then 3 months of age. If I did my math wrong please let me know as spelling this morning (at 5 something am) seems to be a challenge for some reason. (need more coffee I guess)
x3 to Ramirez's guesses

At this age, knowing the breed can help guess gender, but it's not a deal breaker. Any bird with a large, red comb is male at this age.

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