Can baby chicks eat bugs?


14 Years
Feb 23, 2009
I just switched my brooder bedding from hay to pine chips and my 1 week old chicks keep digging around and pecking at the chips, almost looks like they are trying to eat it. I was thinking they are just looking for bugs.

Is it too soon to start throwing bugs in there for them to find?

When should I start doing that?

What kind of bugs to start with?

Is there anywhere to buy them??
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I just found tiny, tiny ones in the yard and gave it to them. Nothing with biting pincers though. I don't think that they liked ants.


Most pet stores sell small worms or small crickets that chicks can start
eating around 3 weeks.

Feed them some noodles. They think they are worms.
Awesome!! I didn't even think about PetSmart. I'll go there tomrrow and pick out some little bugs for them.

It's okay for 1 week old chicks to eat them though?
Mine will be 3 weeks old tomorrow. I've been giving them meal worms, crickets, and cut up earth worms for the past week and 1/2.

They LOVE them. They go crazy chasing each other around. It's fun to watch.

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