can chickens change the egg color overnight


10 Years
Sep 23, 2009
I have 2 barred rock and 2 ameracaunas.

Since they started laying 3 weeks ago I have been getting 3 brown eggs and one green. today I got 2 green and 2 brown. What happened? Can the one ameracauna who was laying brown start laying green? I didn't see it lay but the 2 green eggs were there first thing in the morning and couldn't have come from the bird that has been laying green eggs all along. Any thoughts??
My experience has been that chickens don't change the color of the egg they lay. Hues and intensity of color may change, like light brown to beige. But a green egg layer doesn't turn into a brown, or visa versa.

i suspect your green egg layer got two eggs laid in the time it took you to check. i have, on rare occasions, had chickens lay eggs close together, like within a 12 hour period - but it is an unusual thing, and generally only happens in new layers.
The production may just be changing - Although what you have are not Ameraucanas, they're Easter Eggers.

The only difference a pullet would have in laying is its first weeks of laying, it may have gradually darker or lighter eggs.
thanks for quick reply's. The two green eggs showed up within 3 hours of each other. So if one bird pulled a double header it was within 3 hours of first egg. I will keep an eye on them.

So is this an EE or Ameracauna? She is not full grown here and now she has puffs on the side of the head. I was told Ameracauna when I bought. Still love her but want to know what I have
She's an EE. She looks almost identical to my EE Cleo. I love their coloring

Feed stores and hatcheries call all EEs Americana or Americauna (usually spelled different than the breed-Ameraucana).

I also found this out the hard way, we raised our three EE pullets thinking they were a purebred chickens, but they are mixed!

We ended up with two laying pinkish brown and one laying green.

Ameraucana and Araucana lay blue hued eggs.

As far as the two eggs in a day...hasn't happened here yet!
I only have RIR's and BA's. they have all been laying brown eggs. Yesterday and today, I got 2 white eggs. So, something is up.

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