Can chickens eat honey?


Resistance is futile
11 Years
Mar 21, 2008
I searched and checked the treat charts, but could not find the answer I needed.

Obviously most folks aren;t going to buy honey FOR their chickens... lol... but since I have like 100 lbs of honey filled comb sitting in my kitchen... I'm wondering if I could toss them a piece as a treat

Anyone know or do this???
I give sick chicks honey in their vitamin water.
I prefer honey over sugar for it's natural antibiotic effect.
I nursed a blind chick back from the brink of death on a slurry of honey, water, baby vitamins and chick starter.

That said, I'd probably add the honeycomb to a bowl of chicker oatmeal or leftover bread. I wouldn't give it to them 'straight'. Might give them the runs to eat it as a sole treat.
I put a little in weak chick water but I think it would be too messy for them to peck it out of the comb.

Unless they have a wet wipe in their apron pocket !
I'm thinking its something they wouldn't have natural access to, might be to sticky for their beaks. My brother had behives and he used to cut up the combs and set them in jars and the combs would drain the honey, he would just leave the comb and we would spoon out what we needed.
I read elsewhere yoghurt is not a good idea for chickens because they are not equipped with the enzymes required to break down dairy products you may be better to give them a specially designed probiotic

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