Can chicks be incubated against viruses?


Sep 2, 2020
Hello, chicks are supposed to be hatching tomorrow. Just wondering if they can be vaccinated against viruses( coccidiosis, etc.)?
Thank you
There are some vaccines available. You would need to know which ones you are interested in and look up those individual ones. Each has it's own method of delivery, age at which it is to be given, etc. Examples: Marek's has to be done at one day old and they cannot be exposed to the virus for a while. Coccidiosis is usually done as a spray or a droplet, usually at 1 - 3 days old. Fowl pox vaccine is done when they are at least 8 weeks old but at least 4 weeks prior to point of lay. Many vaccines come in very large amounts, to do 100's or 1000's of doses and they have to be used at one time usually, so many backyard keepers do not vaccinate unless there is a particular problem they are concerned with. Many will get vaccinated chicks when purchased but do not vaccinate those they hatch at home. There are pro's and con's to all of them depending on your point of view, so it's best to be informed before making a decision.

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