Can Day Olds eat Scratch w/ their Mom?


11 Years
Feb 6, 2008
Southern California
Hello All,

So I have chicks now. Ya!!!

So anytime tomorrow, they are coming down to eat for their first time. I have BOTH chick starters and Scratch, so, how should I feed the mom and the chics? Mix-match the scratch and the chic mix together so the mom can eat her share and the chics eat theirs...or thats a bad idea?

Chicks won't eat something big like scratch will they?

Hope I can find some helpful tips on feeding for both to be happy and full.

: )

- Tommy
if they are outside they will eat what ever mom says to eat but mom and babies need grit if you are going to feed that,not nessaceary if feeding chich starter
I have had bad experiences with week old chicks eating scratch with mother hen. I had several die last year, and i believe its because they got a hold of scratch from another group of full grown birds.

My hens tend to eat the chick starter with the babies...never had any problems.
Perhaps I will just feed them JUST that then. Chic starter for mom and babies. They are in the backyard so grit is for sure there. Hehe

- Tommy

Thanks Everyone!
I always feed my broodies the same as the chicks with chick starter/grower...she needs the extra protein now anyway and won't lay for awhile...
Yeah. Probably best then huh?

Yup...imma just feed chic starter then, if scratch, I'ma grind it up w/ a grinder first.

Do you think I should put some rice grains too...for calcium?

- Tommy

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