Can different quail breeds coop together?


Jun 20, 2020
Petaluma, CA
My Coop
My Coop
Hi Quailerinos,
I have some Coturnix Quail, and a large fenced aviary in my backyard. I would eventually like to integrate some California Quail into my flock. Does anyone know if that's feasible? I mean, do different quail varieties co-habitate amicably when housed together? ...or would this be a recipe for disharmony?
It's generally not recommended. If your aviary is large enough it might work, though. You do need a permit for California quail where you are.
Keep in mind that California Quail are really in the pheasant family, while Coturnix are "true" or "old world" quail. So they aren't going to be terribly similar other than they are fat little byrds shaped like commas.

(I really wanted California quail for the same reason - the bobble - but their needs are SO different. Coturnix were much easier, plus do the things I need them to - an egg a day...)
Keep in mind that California Quail are really in the pheasant family, while Coturnix are "true" or "old world" quail. So they aren't going to be terribly similar other than they are fat little byrds shaped like commas.

(I really wanted California quail for the same reason - the bobble - but their needs are SO different. Coturnix were much easier, plus do the things I need them to - an egg a day...)
More great info! thank you!! I can always go visit the CA quail in the wild when I go hiking...and then I don't have to clean up their poops or change their water! Hassle-free! :D

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