Can Ducks move eggs/nest


11 Years
May 7, 2008
Treasure Coast, Florida
I had two mallard mixes sitting on nests. They blend in so well you can walk right up to them and not see them. The only way to find their nests is to wait for them to come out and watch them when they go back. They seem to know this and are very good at sneaking away in the moment I quit watching.

When I found the nests I replaced the eggs in one with pekin eggs. She did go back to the nest and sit. The other duck got spooked and didn't go back to her nest. The second nest did get raided a few nights later. The first nest with the pekin eggs is now empty and I have not seen the duck for awhile.

No evidence of anything raiding the nest. No shells, no feathers, nothing. Is it possible she moved them to another location? Or is it just wishful thinking? It was a pretty good spot, well under a pile of brush and the entrance wasn't messed up and didn't show any signs of anything getting in. I moved the entire pile just to see if she was still under it, but she wasn't.

I guess it is also possible she started another nest somewhere else. She hatched and raised a clutch (all survived completely free-range) about five months ago. There are tons of places she could be, but unless she comes out, I would never find her.
Yes, and they can and will. If they catch you taking the eggs they will hide them from you, maybe moving nest & eggs many times. I know this from experience. They don't like you taking the eggs. Or if someone/something else is taking them. Or if they feel their nest is unsafe for any reason.
That's good to hear. Maybe there is still hope she is OK and sitting somewhere else.

She seems to be a smart girl. She was hatched and raised by a friends duck that is the master at hiding nests.

Thank you.
WOW! Me too! I have two mallard x Buff hens and in winter when the grass is dea dyou cant see them in the yard unless htey move.

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