Can Guineas Fetilize a Chicken Egg


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 23, 2011
I have a family member who is really skitish about fertilized eggs and am begining to think guineas are the answer to my fly problem but I keep seeing things about guineas mating with chickens. If they can't produce offspring I don't think she will have issues with the mating but if they ever create a fertile egg and it slips past me that is the last egg she will ever eat, lol. So for the sake of not starving my aunt can a guinea knock up a chicken.
Yes. It is rare and the offspring are sterile, but it does happen.

It also does happen that people hatch chickens from ordinary store bought eggs, although again, it is rare.
OMG ddawn if I tell her that she will NEVER eat anything again, lolololololololol. We will keep this classified as top secret.
Does she open it up to check for a blastodisc? I wouldn't worry about it. It's not like there would be little embryos floating around in her omelet. I mean, it still grosses me out a bit, but I do get that there really isn't much difference that early on.
LOL... an embryo omelet... ick! I think that would most definitely turn me off eggs, lol.

Chicky... Just be sure to collect the eggs for your aunt a few times a day and refrigerate them right away and assure her that nothing will develop in a fresh, cold fertile egg, lol.
I don't know how this family member would ever know they were fertile unless you told her. Just tell her you only cook the infertile ones.....

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