Can I add chicks or will this mess things up??


6 Years
Dec 29, 2017
Battle Ground, WA
Ducklings hatch next week. According to what I read, they should be hatching Thursday.
Anyway, we have 9 total. 5 underneath our Blue Wyandotte and 4 underneath both our bantam hen and black Australorp hen(shared nest).

That night after all have hatched completely
If I got 3 chicks, would I be able to slip them underneath the co-parents??
Or would this mess things up???
Ducklings hatch next week. According to what I read, they should be hatching Thursday.
Anyway, we have 9 total. 5 underneath our Blue Wyandotte and 4 underneath both our bantam hen and black Australorp hen(shared nest).

That night after all have hatched completely
If I got 3 chicks, would I be able to slip them underneath the co-parents??
Or would this mess things up???
Co parents should be separated either split them or break one they can't raise them together it may end up in some dead babies

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