Can I feed my chickens rats that I caught in the coop

Do you know where the rat's been? Is it a city rat or a country rat. A trapped country rat is just as nutritious and safe for chickens to eat as road kill.
Crustaceans and mammals and fish have a central nervous system and feel pain. Humans are often just uncaring and cruel in the methods we use to trap and kill animals. A swift sharp knife to the brain of lobster, crab and crawdads kills instantly and humanely. Boiling alive is awful.

BTW we have 2 types of freshwater crayfish (what we call crawdads) here in the UK. One that is indigenous and protected (white clawed crayfish), and one that is an pernicious invader from North America (signal crayfish). If you catch them, you have to put back the white clawed ones, and you aren't allowed to put back the signals as they are classed as an invasive species.

We catch them in our local river with a cooked chicken drumstick on a string. They are delicious!
Try feeding a recently killed rat but they didn't want it. I used to have chickens that were rat killers but my current ones don't seem to be rat hunters.

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