can i feed my chicks garlic?

I would think that the extent that they would need to eat it would mean that they are missing out on other nutrients which would mean a lower quality meat. I can say that the chickens we ate didn't taste like tomatoes, but my chickens have eaten every tomato off the plants (with or without my help) as soon as they turn red, orange, or yellow depending on the plant. I was thinking of doing this for the eggs though as you would see -or taste rather- a difference much sooner. I've heard that it can make the eggs taste a bit garlicy (YUM-O) so I'd use it for a quiche or something delicious, or bread!!! Great now I'm hungry...
I hope that helps and doesn't make it more confusing.
so the flavor of what you are feeding your chickens is effective in the eggs first!

ah thank you!

to the previous poster:

i would of course make sure to give my chickens only the finest of feed.
I am getting ready to butcher my first batch of fryers and have started them on garlic powder sprinkled on their helps keeps pests away from the egg layers too...I will post in another 2 to 3 weeks about their flavor. I am giving them out for friends and family to try too so I can get several opinions.

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