Can i freeze fermented feed?


Jul 21, 2016
Southwest PA
This is my first time fermenting my chick's feed. I fermented about 20 pounds, which is too much for my chicks to eat for a while. If I freeze it will that undo all the good that fermenting has done? Will it kill the good bacteria? Does anybody else freze their fermented feed? I have it in the fridge now but it's taking up so much room.
I would be inclined to think that the freezing would kill the probiotics but am not sure. I mix up enough when I feed them at the end of the day for the next day, and just keep it on that cycle. Though I have thought about making up a 5 gallon bucket which should last 3-4 days. I really don't think it needs to be in the fridge though. Think about sauerkraut. It's fermented and kept in a crock until it's used, without refrigeration. Long answer short, I'd just take it out of the fridge and not worry about it.

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