Can I get a detailed rundown on how to deworm?


Nov 18, 2023
[Using Safe-Guard fenbendazole]

I have 4 chickens
- 2 Easter eggers, medium size/smallish, one is larger than the other
- 1 rock partridge, medium size
- 1 Buff cochin, very large

I would like to deworm them for all possible worms. I plan on putting the medication in bread balls. Can I know the dosage I should give them and for how many days? I would like to be safe about this, just in case I give the chicken too much or too little.
The correct dose for Safe Guard, either the liquid goat wormer or the horse paste, is .23ml per pound of body weight (you can round to .25 for ease of measuring, and fractions should always be rounded up, never down, the medication is very safe, you do not want to under dose.). Please don't use the "pea sized" recommendation, that is very subjective and can lead to under dosing (link below). You can use an inexpensive digital kitchen scale to get weights. You give that dose, orally, for 5 days in a row to cover all worms except tapeworm. Tapeworm requires praziquantel, different medication. Tapeworm is less common, so unless you see signs of that, I would just do the Safe Guard. You will need an oral syringe, most tractor supply stores carry them, many feed stores, any pharmacy if you ask. If using the goat wormer, shake it up well before drawing a dose, it settles out. Just pull down on the wattles, administer the medication into the beak slowly (don't forcefully squirt it) no more than .5 ml at a time, and let them swallow it. Repeat until the entire dose is given. I do 35 birds this way every three months. Lock them in the coop at dark, go out early in the morning and take them off the roosts one at a time and dose, put them in the run, when the coop is empty you are done. For any that dislike being held, wrap them in a towel like a burrito to hold their wings, with their head sticking out.

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