can i get a disease from chickens?

I'm not sure if this is chicken related of not but even since I have started raising chickens, I get these itching spots that after being subconsciously scratched raise up like mosquito bites with tiny scabs and last for a few days before going away. I usually get them around my belt line or arms. Yesterday one popped up on my face. At first I thought it may have been something I got out of the woods I cleared for my garden. But that chore has long been completed and I'm still getting these little lesions. I've never had this condition before and the only change in my activities is cleaning my coop and occasionally handling the hens. Anybody else?
I'm not sure if this is chicken related of not but even since I have started raising chickens, I get these itching spots that after being subconsciously scratched raise up like mosquito bites with tiny scabs and last for a few days before going away. I usually get them around my belt line or arms. Yesterday one popped up on my face. At first I thought it may have been something I got out of the woods I cleared for my garden. But that chore has long been completed and I'm still getting these little lesions. I've never had this condition before and the only change in my activities is cleaning my coop and occasionally handling the hens. Anybody else?
Sounds like it might be redbugs...aka chiggers from going into the woods. It's odd that one was on your face but not unheard of, the belt line/waist, arms and legs are susceptable areas. Put some finger nail polish on each bite/welt to smother them. Reapply the nail polish as necessary. The nail polish will take care of them.
The next time you go out into the woods, spray yourself with bug spray that contains deet. We used to rub kerosene on ourselves before heading out in the woods.
Why didn't I think of that. All my life living in FL and I've never gotten one body critter from the woods so something like chiggers never crossed my mind. Mosquito bites yes but nothing of the take home variety. After looking up the images of chigger bites on the net, that is exactly what it is. I'm really happy it wasn't something from one of my girls. Thanks for the info!
thank you.i'll wash my hands but im glad its not bad like the news wonts to make it out to be.i thought this was true but was just checking. im not going to even be consered about it.ill wash my hands but im not changing shoes when i go in the back yard.our spray the floor ext... i havent been wearing a mask when cleaning the coop but ill start.i but straw in there coop.what do u guys do with it once you clean out the coop??? sorry about my spelling.i just take the old straw and use it on the ground around the coop once i clean it out of there coop./img/smilies/big_smile.png

Straw is yucky
try using sand its so much cleaner much better alternative...... Look it up its also better for the chickens and doesn't harbour flies
yes my best friend got sick from a mosquito bite it had her chicken blood in then sucked her blood she got really
sick. And past away.
So I know this thread was from forever ago, but I have been having horrible rashes on my hands since I got chickens... first it presented itself in the form of ring worms. That started when I was pregnant and I thought maybe just my immune system was compromised. Well then I had a miscarriage and the "ringworms" basically vanished. Now, 2 months later it's coming back on my hands.
What about when they scratch you when I hold my chicory she often scratches my chest area - I have a weakened immune system and ironically this week I was feeling sluggish and low grade fever for about 4 days - my stcrathes were starting to scab and I had a thought perhaps it could be related sorta like cat scratch fever? Anybody with advise?
What about when they scratch you when I hold my chicory she often scratches my chest area - I have a weakened immune system and ironically this week I was feeling sluggish and low grade fever for about 4 days - my stcrathes were starting to scab and I had a thought perhaps it could be related sorta like cat scratch fever? Anybody with advise?
I'm posting here because I can't find any way to start a new thread. I've been raising meat chickens for 5 years. This year I fed totally organic feed. I've been seeing strange things in the entrails when I butcher. 1. Something that looks like water balloons attached to the intestine. It will be a series of them connected together. 2. Something that looks like webbing connecting the intestines together. I would post pics but those who don't raise meat chickens would be grossed out. Does anyone know of a site that shows what is safe and what is not? I'm losing about half my flock to the trash. Lots of $$$ down the drain.

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