Can I get more chicks when my others are 6 weeks old?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 1, 2013
I started out with 13 chicks about 6 weeks ago, and we just lost our first one. I got to thinking, if this happens a few more times, I won't have many chicks. So I thought I might should add a couple of babies. There are some silkies at the corner store by my house and I was wondering if it would be okay to get a couple to add to my others. Thanks for your help!
I have the same question, but mine are just a day old and I'm thinking of adding 2 more from my local store. I had ordered 6 but 1 didn't survive the journey. Is there an issue with adding a couple more from a diffrent source that may be a couple of days apart in age?
I wouldn't mix them if they are that much of a difference in age. The younger ones will just get trampled.

Chickety, no issues with combining from different breeders.

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