Can I Incubate Duck Eggs Left In Rain.


7 Years
Jun 18, 2014
My Ducks have been laying up at my pond, I go up there every day. I have found 2 clutches of eggs that are about 4 days old but it's been rainy in NEPA. Can I still set the eggs in the incubator to incubate them even if they have been in the rain ?

Any advice will help.
Thank you
I would give it a try, I'm also from PA & collected 6 eggs from my mallard during the winter in January & put them in the fridge planning on using the eggs for baking ( they were in the fridge for 3 - 4 wks ) but something got my male & female ( a raccoon ) so I decided to try incubating the eggs & it worked 4 out of the 6 hatched. You have nothing to lose if it doesn't work, Good luck

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