Can I keep geese?


7 Years
Dec 5, 2013
Hello, I live in England in a fairly urban area and have been offered two geese by a friend. My worry is are geese too loud to be kept in a back garden? I have heard they are loud... But I don't know how loud. We have a house next door and other than that there are houses fairly close (not close enough to hear by bantams egg songs) we have a stream running through the property that I'm sure the geese would enjoy. Any advise would be greatly appreciated thanks!

Photos are of our property.



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They are very loud.They should be kept more as a a country pet,if I were I wouldn't.If the stream carries any farther,it can drag the geese down with it.
@Danragg They can really be loud at times too. But maybe ask the neighbors what they think about you getting geese. If you go about it in the right way they may not care especially if you offer goose eggs for omelets in the spring. And what breed are you talking about and ganders are louder than geese most of the time.How would you keep them on your property with the stream running through it?
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How would you keep them on your property with the stream running through it?
That would be my primary concern too. You don't seem to have a lot of grass for them, so if not fenced in, they'll eventually wander off to forage in better places. Also, a goose is no match for a hungry fox.

Noise is very subjective. I personally consider goose honking to be birdsong.
If you have a way to keep the geese in and you talk to your neighbors then go for it.

Be prepared for your neighbors to agree at first and then go back on their decision, geese are very loud. It can get old fast.

You'll also need to build a house for them to be locked up in at night, never leave poultry out at night! They seem vicious and aggressive on TV (can be!) but they are birds, and if an animal is hungry enough just about any predator can kill a goose.
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I agree with The goose girl, it doesn't look like you've a lot of grass but then again it is winter are you capable of buying food for your geese if grass runs out?
It really depends on what the breed is? Some breeds are quite and some honk a lot.
Geese aren't as loud as people say they are especially if it's only two.
Now, If they are Chinese geese then I think you should forget it ;)
Embden x I believe!
@Danragg There's has been quite a few questions asked since you posted, can you address them all. like how are you going to keep your geese in your part of the stream and will you put them up at night so they will be safe. I don't have grass right now and barely have any in spring summer our soil is so rocky so I buy lots of greens for my geese. I have an Embden gander most of the time he is quiet but he does sound off once in a while.
At both ends the stream is blocked of into a small pipe and reopened on the other side of the fence so no chance of them being carried and the water runs VERY slowly.. I have a large sheds that's not in use so that would be housing. I buy a lot of greens for the hens so that is not a problem either.
I say get the geese as Embden geese aren't the loudest maybe during breeding season which is same time as mine in Ireland from February to end of April.
Your stream will keep the geese crystal clean and white which is perfect

A garden shed is perfect.
Personally I would give it a try but it's up to you
Keep us updated!
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