Can I keep males together if no females?


11 Years
Aug 29, 2012
I’ve just picked up two Male ten month old Muscovy ducks to foster till rehomed.

As I picked up the guy mentioned for the first time they fight 🤦‍♀️ I’ve only got one house. Can’t seperate.

I think they would have been quite stressed where they were. Would that be behind the fighting or can I not rehome these guys together? There have never been females around.
Also any care tips? I’ve got chickens. No idea about ducks other than need water when eating and I’ve also set up a kids play pool.
They're gorgeous. However, they are going through their first hormonal stage, and it's going to be brutal. If you can set up some kind of divider in the house for them to each have their own section, that would be best. And keep them away from your chickens because they will possibly try to mate them and they can't. It'll kill the chickens.

It is possible to keep to males together with no females, but at times it'll be kinda brutal and you'll have to show them you're the head drake. @Miss Lydia taught me that if you straddle them and hold them down by the base of their neck, just enough pressure to keep them still, not to hurt them, stay that way until they settle down then let them up. If they attack, just do it again - eventually they get the hint.
They are seperate from my chickens but that’s good to know I’ll be very vigilant about keeping it that way.

Trying to seperate is a bit of a nightmare to be honest 🤦‍♀️ I’m just not set up for it this just being temporary. I’ve left the two dog crates in there and they’ve put themselves to bed one in each so apart. I’ll get up early and let them out in the main run so they arent Stuck close together.

Sounds like I need to get these guys rehomed quick smart.
Well when I first started with Muscovy it was 2 dumped drakes in our river, they were best pals swam together flew together. Never saw them fight. Then they walked up to my house one day and saw my 3 Muscovy females and things between them were never the same. So maybe since it's just these 2 and no females it will be okay. You'll just have to try. They sure are beautiful boys. I hope you can find them a wonderful forever home. My Muscovy drake is like a puppy he follows me and always wants attention.
If you can get a piece of temporary fencing that may help a lot if there starts to be trouble. I got a dog fence that came in 8 connected sections but you could configure it any way you want to and even hook into existing walls or fencing to make it do what you want. @Runner duck mom is using one in her run right now to keep her boys apart. I got it at Walmart and paid about $35 for it.


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